Monday Morning Writing Prompt–Writing the Mundane

Traubensaft Schaum 1

Image via Wikipedia

For today’s prompt I’d like to invite you to write a poem or short prose about some aspect of your everyday life: laundry, vacuuming, struggling with the photocopier at work, walking the dogs, or cooking for example. Try to make it rich in sensory detail.

This challenge invites us to awareness, an attribute that promises to enrich us as writers.

Here’s my effort–a Haiku

Washing Dishes

sun pierces window

creates rainbows in bubbles

caressing my hands

19 thoughts on “Monday Morning Writing Prompt–Writing the Mundane

  1. […] Monday Morning Writing Prompt – Writing the Mundane ( […]


  2. Jamie Dedes says:

    visiting blogs now
    home to friends and poets dear
    pleased to the marrow

    Thanks, Victoria. Excellent prompt and – value added – and fine poem.


  3. trisha says:

    thats the reward of washing dishes πŸ™‚


  4. Frightening as this is, I am attempting to post a very novice poem for this weeks prompt. Your critique is greatly apprecaited.

    I am not a poetry writer. I have been researching and reading about poetry and Haiku’s but have no clue if I am in the right direction. As a very wordy writer, it has been a challenge …. BUT … I think I enjoyed it – stress and all.

    Namaste, Izzy ~~~~ : – )


  5. Tino says:

    Mondays are beginning to be my favourite day of the week!

    Loved the Haiku, finding beauty in washing dishes takes some doing πŸ˜‰

    Here’s mine for the day,


  6. […] Submitted to Monday Morning Writing Prompt […]


  7. Bodhirose says:

    We’ve all seen those rainbows in the wash water bubbles. Love your haiku of mundane dish washing. I wrote about preparing strawberries for dessert–which I did last night.

    Strawberries and Cream


  8. souldipper says:

    I’ve been pondering the mundane and dominance.

    Nap Time

    Purring black angora cat
    Golden eyes peruse the domain
    one last time.
    Fully alpha
    atop my sleeping body.


  9. Washing dishes – about as mundane as one can get. Great poem that dresses the dishes in sunlight! Blessings to you, Victoria…


  10. Foreign attractions
    inspire lusty hunger—
    I phone for takeout.


  11. LOL! You make dish washing sound almost orgasmic. πŸ™‚


  12. You make washing dishes almost seem fun !


  13. jgavinallan says:

    I do so enjoy these prompts. Not as a participant, but an addictive fan.
    I can not wait to see the artists present their work.

    Thank you



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