Monday Morning Writing Prompt–A Day of Refreshment

I took this photograph while climbing Angora R...

Image via Wikipedia

I just returned home from a day away from the computer, playing and enjoying the beauty of nature at and on beautiful Lake Tahoe. Many of us who write tend to be homebodies, or even a bit reclusive. I’m including myself in that group. But a day away, a day of refreshment for body and soul can serve to inspire.

For today’s prompt, I’d like you to think about a place you’d choose to go or an activity you’d like to engage in for a bit of respite…if only for a day. It can be a setting near you, or somewhere that you travel to only in your imagination. You might want to focus on the details of the environment or paint in broad brush strokes how your getaway inspires.

Enjoy your armchair one-day vacation and consider sharing it with the rest of us! Don’t forget that this prompt is open to either prose or poetry. I will post mine as soon as it’s written!

I’ve gotten sophisticated now, so here’s Mr. Linky:

11 thoughts on “Monday Morning Writing Prompt–A Day of Refreshment

  1. zongrik says:

    I’d love to be in space and be able to see amazing things like this. When I’m in an airplane at night, I love looking at the lights. I also like standing on a hill or mountain and look at the light in the valley below.


  2. mish says:

    Hi Victoria ~ I really enjoyed this challenge and decided to link up … Find my contribution at :


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  4. […] This is my poem for Victoria’s Monday Morning Writing Prompt […]


  5. Bodhirose says:

    Hi Victoria–this was a fun one. I’m linked up!


  6. […] entry for Monday Morning Writing Prompt–A Day of Refreshment: Advertisement GA_googleAddAttr("AdOpt", "1"); GA_googleAddAttr("Origin", "other"); […]


  7. vivinfrance says:

    Thank you for the moments of pure self-indulgence your prompt gave me.


  8. Now that I am back from my little vacation, I will catch up on the links from your last prompt and will write something about the new one! I will get back to you with a link in a day or two! Thanks for visiting me Victoria, happy day/night for you :)/!


    • I think I did the linking part right and I read the rest of the participating. That was fun Victoria, thank you! Now I need to go back the week before, but I might leave it for tomorrow! happy day!


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