Monday Meanderings–

Confession time–I’m in a blogging slump this week and no doubt this next week ahead, as well. Life has been, well, life.

At The Bardo Group, we are observing a week-long celebration of Wilderness Protection Week. Here’s a summary of what’s behind it, borrowed from the introduction of Pricilla‘s post:

Celebrating 50 Years of Wilderness Protection
August 31, 2014
“It’s a time for celebration! 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Wilderness Act, the landmark conservation bill that created a way for Americans to protect their most pristine wildlands for future generations. The 1964 Wilderness Act…created the National Wilderness Preservation System, which protects nearly 110 million acres of wilderness areas from coast to coast. This anniversary is a wonderful chance to celebrate all that’s been achieved for wilderness in the past 50 years and remind Americans of all that we can achieve in the next 50.” (from The Wilderness Society website,

You are invited to join in the celebration by linking poetry, photos, essays–your own thoughts and experience with the wilderness.




On a personal note, I have created a “store” on Etsy which offers homemade jewelry. I’m just beginning to add items. Jewelry-making is a hobby for me. I’m of the generation and up-bringing that just can’t sit still so that while I’m with the hubby who enjoys sports on TV, I make jewelry and watch a bit myself. It’s an addiction so I thought I’d better do something with the results and, at least, cover the cost of my habit in order to buy more beads. In the process, I decided I want to do something to help others so I’ve decided to price my items at 30% over cost and donate that amount to an animal rescue organization. This quarter, the proceeds will go to The SPCA of Northern Nevada. I will vary the recipients every three months.

I hope you will check it out HERE. I have many more items to list and they are all quite affordable. At the present time, I’m only shipping within the United States until I can figure out better what I’m doing.

Photo: V. Slotto

Photo: V. Slotto

Photo: V. Slotto

Photo: V. Slotto

Have a happy week.

3 thoughts on “Monday Meanderings–

  1. rmp says:

    at one time or another we all find ourselves in a blogging slump; I know I find myself in one about every other week. the jewelry is lovely; as is how you have decided to spend the proceeds.


  2. brian miller says:

    some very pretty pieces V…
    i like the aquamarine and amber personally…..


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