Refraction–Light Stripes

Light spilling through partially open blinds:

Photo: V. Slotto "Sparky" Oct. 2014

Photo: V. Slotto
“Sparky” Oct. 2014

Photo: V. Slotto A stripped dog?

Photo: V. Slotto
A stripped dog?

The prompt for The Weekly Photo Challenge is Refraction–in this case, bending rays of the sun setting in the West.

4 thoughts on “Refraction–Light Stripes

  1. Your work is so beautiful, so glad to have found your blog! I am also found photography 101 because I figured if I am to write poetry I need photography to go with it!


  2. brian miller says:

    ha. makes it look like the pups has a bit of tiger stripes….smiles..
    cool shots v


  3. Jamie Dedes says:

    Nice! The dog is wonderful. 🙂


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