Beginnings and Endings


BbeginningsBeginnings and Endings

The day before Christmas, the lifeless body of a robin
lay, supine, among clods of frozen dirt
in the bare, raised bed of our vegetable garden.

His breast, striated with not-quite crimson plumage—
plump, yet breathless, lay still, where only weeks ago
plump crimson tomatoes prospered, awaited harvesting.

I cradled his body in my hand, resting in the folds
of a plastic bag that, just yesterday, held apples,
tied it tight before consigning it to a barrel caching autumn leaves.

That night we sipped champagne, feted birth,
celebrated promises fulfilled again each day,
awaited the coming of light that would dispel the darkness.

11 thoughts on “Beginnings and Endings

  1. What a beautiful write.. the robin just like all living thing will come to an end…


  2. lynn__ says:

    A sigh for the poor robin…. and a clink to your glass, Happy New Year!


  3. Ayala says:

    The circle of life, a lovely write.


  4. The circle of life that will forever continue. I’m glad you cradled him Vick. Wishes for a happy and fulfilling 2015.


  5. I love the poem, but cringe at the thought of the millennia it will take that plastic bag to disappear.


  6. […] Source: Beginnings and Endings […]


  7. wolfsrosebud says:

    there is always such a tug between life and death… promises of the Father are so sweet… nice write


  8. Life in all its manifestations – the garden, the robin, the years end – a lovely and quiet poem, Victoria. Hope that 2015 holds many joys for you and yours. K

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I like that idea of beginnings coming from an ending somewhere. Hope you had a great Christmas Victoria, best wishes for 2015.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Susan says:

    Yikes! The disposable and the indisposable changing places.


  11. Glenn Buttkus says:

    Beautiful & sad, ringing with truth; a touching piece for all of us as 2015 readies itself to begin.

    Liked by 1 person

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