Have You Ever?–Poetic Blooming, Day 9

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Have You Ever?

Have you ever
stretched out, belly down, on tickle-green grass
to commune with a lady bug?

Have you ever
climbed a tree to be closer to clouds scudding
across a cerulean sky?

Have you ever
tipped-toed through meadow grass, barefooted,
following the song of running water?

Have you ever
tried to count stars, looking for the one
that winks at you?

Have you ever
tasted a rock, a daisy or light, hoping
to become one with nature, with God?

I have.

Written for and linked to Poetic Bloomings Day 9, where the prompt was to write a poem about clouds.  As for walking barefoot in the meadow–don’t do it. We were scolded by a forest service employee because the place was full of rattlers! The follies of youth.


7 thoughts on “Have You Ever?–Poetic Blooming, Day 9

  1. scillagrace says:

    Have you ever kissed a worm? Thinking of my daughter at age 4…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Uh, hadn’t thought of it. But how sweet. Worms are so important to us, and recognized by Native Americans in their understanding of earth medicine.

      Liked by 1 person

      • scillagrace says:

        Actually, about 33% of the worms in North America are invasive species, and their introduction has certainly changed ecosystems. Nightcrawlers, for instance. But the native worms and native humans probably have a profound relationship.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. lovely poem – me too

    Liked by 1 person

  3. kanzensakura says:

    Oh I love this! And I have too! I actually use the phrase, when it is so hot to speak of how the heat can make me chew rocks. But oh yes, climbed a tree as high as I could to try to touch those clouds. This is mar.ve.lous.

    Liked by 1 person

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