Textures–dVerse Poetics

Today, I am honored to host Poetics at dVerse Poets Pub: http://dversepoets.com/  I chose to discuss one of my favorite art elements: texture. I hope you will join us at the pub–enjoy a drink, good friends and outstanding poetry.

Photo of Ascot (RIP) D. Slotto


About five-thirty
the morning of Friday before
light spills through blinds,
pools into discrete
silver puddles
at the foot of my bed.

Through the half-moon window
near the ceiling,
swatches of gray satin
unfurl across the sky.
Tears in the fabric
allow slices of blue to
peek through,
toss hope in my face.

In that shadowy space between
asleep and awake
ideas pelt my brain
so I can’t escape back into
my dream about the circus
where I rode barefoot,
standing on the rough coat
of a white mare.
I slip into awareness.

Cold smooth wood
greets my feet as I stand
and yawn.
My dog
shakes his silky fur, glares at
me for interrupting his dreams.

We stretch, enter the day,
touch life.

Today’s special at the bar: Margaritas…rimmed with salt to give you textural inspiration!

41 thoughts on “Textures–dVerse Poetics

  1. Dog glares at you, I have not had an animal do that. This is such a cheerful writing and playful the way the dog glares ha ha. Great write that brings a smile to morning.


  2. dani says:

    the entire second stanza is really breathtaking! especially:

    “toss hope in my face”

    i’ve learned not to read anyone else’s response to a prompt until my poem is completed and yours is a perfect example of why ~ if i’d read this first, i never would have even tried to write something.

    i love your writing, Victoria!


  3. You found my hiding place: in the shadowy place between asleep and awake. Touch life; a great line. Beautiful photo, the colors are so warm and rich. Awesome job. Way to show the way. The smooth textures of a great poet. And yes, I like the new Blog format 🙂


  4. David King says:

    Not bbeing able to escape back into your dream of the circus is a nice touch – the icing on a most delicious cake.


  5. Very nice. Great visuals. My favorite part was,

    “Tears in the fabric
    allow slices of blue to
    peek through,
    toss hope in my face.”

    Thanks for a great prompt 🙂


  6. Mama Zen says:

    So vivid! Love this.


  7. kaykuala says:

    Lights steal into the room. It would present beautiful rays as the morning mist slowly clears. That’s the hour to rise and feels oneself has an edge over others who are not ready to begin the day. You captured the hour so beautifully.!


  8. C Rose says:

    Really lovely write with fine imagery, a wonderful rising thought. Thank you for being our host this week and for the great prompt. ~ Rose


  9. Kodjo Deynoo says:

    I enjoyed the flow in your poem and relate to the story line behind it too


  10. Sheila Moore says:

    what a cute little guy – great Poetics prompt – thanks, Victoria!


  11. tashtoo says:

    Victoria! This made me smile so! I could feel my toes in the rough, thick hair of the horse, see the pools of sunlight. Wonderful! And LOVE the pic 🙂


  12. Ravenblack says:

    Feeling it as I read it. I don’t think I’ve used textures enough in my poems. This is great. And you’ve properly captured the vivid dreams one does get just a bit before the alarm clock rings or the sun comes into the room. 🙂


  13. wolfsrosebud says:

    What a nice way to wake up…


  14. kez says:

    thanks for hosting and your comments …thought your poem was beautiful loved the last bit we touched life ! thanks again


  15. Brendan says:

    After rising around 3:30 a.m. every morning to write, on weekends I like to lay back down around 6 or so for a half-hour’s nap, with two of our cats wedging in around me. Coming back to with the light paling into the windows is such a silky rich comfort, and you find texture of it here so wonderfully. Job well done.


  16. I love it! The textures, the images, the sentiments, all so beautifully blended into a seamless whole.


  17. Truly lovely imagery…I find a lot of my poetry comes ‘In that shadowy space between asleep and awake’ ~ evocative writing. Thanks so much for hosting today, I enjoyed this prompt very much!


  18. janaki nagaraj says:

    Vivid imagery….thoroughly enjoyed it.


  19. I love this: “Tears in the fabric
    allow slices of blue to
    peek through”


  20. Patricia says:

    Thank you for hosting today… I am learning something everyday and you added to that with the planting of “texture” in my mind as a tool. I could feel the pool and puddles of sunlight spilling through the blinds… and I love how you changed direction with the dream description… so creative…


  21. Reflections says:

    Love the transitions through the various textured senses. Fabulous lesson over at dVerse… will try to get one up tonite sometime.


  22. vivinfrance says:

    Evocative textural writing full of true imagery/ I felt each stanza as a complete poem, linked by the tinespan. Lovely.


  23. Renee Espriu says:

    I love how you pull me into your day from the moment you open your eyes. My first visit here and I already feel I somehow know you. Thank You!


  24. Heaven says:

    You captured the scenes very vividly… I can related to these lines:

    In that shadowy space between
    asleep and awake
    ideas pelt my brain

    Thank you for the wonderful lesson today


  25. I too loved the textures in this but couldn’t help but notice the RIP in the photo caption. I recently lost my Australian Shepherd and one of my greatest joys was tossling his silky fur and watching him breathe. We’d snuggle in the early morning, stretching to touch life as you so beautifully captured. Thank you.


  26. Gay says:

    You certainly allowed me to feel as you feel, touch and smell what was around you – it was a great waking up morning, indeed. Well done, Victoria!


  27. I like that line “toss hope in my face”. The medley of textures here evoke that feeling of greeting the morning beautifully.


    • Thanks, Mark. I wanted to comment on your haibun but it wouldn’t let me (yet). I love the form and your treatment of it was so good. Almost seized when they touched the Picasso, though!


  28. Beautiful descriptive words – felt and saw all.


  29. Hi victoria

    I thouroughly enjoyed your texturised poem – I felt oranges and lemons all thru
    Your piece is a perfect antithesis to mine in terms of mood – you have cheered me up and my senses feel awakened from a slump – a lively – refreshing poem with multi layers to float thru.

    Thanks for the prompt – I have an exhibition next week so your subject was perfectly timed


  30. mish says:

    Love the different textures of “smooth wood” & “silky fur” . Even different words have different textures – like the roughness of “caboodles” and the silkiness of “deja vu” 🙂


  31. Umaa says:

    Vivid Images in your poem.I too love textures and will try to write and link one soon 🙂


  32. Very vivid imagery, a lovely use of all types of textures and colours too. Lovely~!


  33. hedgewitch says:

    The textures here are very palpable, and the images sleek and smooth as well. I could almost feel the horsehair on my bare feet. Lovely poem, Victoria, and a great prompt today.


  34. Laurie Kolp says:

    I love the ending: touch life. So many pass it by without doing this. Very powerful, beautiful piece!


  35. jenneandrews says:

    Nicely layered detail giving texture and depth to this poem. xxxj mine is up at http://parolavivace.blogspot.com . BTW poetry written about art is called “ekphrastic”– a number of poets have written about works of art. I loved your discussion– very articulate and interesing. My mother was a painter as is my brother– he’s at http://viewgallery.com . xxxj


  36. Aressa says:

    Throw hope in my face…. Love that line. This is beautiful. The circus horse is the product of a truly creative poet and your imagery is top notch. Thanks for hosting today and for the fabulous prompt.



  37. Claudia says:

    you know…i moved my bare feet a bit when reading this to see if i could feel the white mare as well…and yes – i could..this is a feast for the senses….thanks so much for this fantastic prompt victoria – you are awesome!!


  38. brian says:

    mmm…this has a great feel to it victoria…the puddles of light, the cool boards under the feet…that is a perfect morning to me…the riding a horse in the circus is fantastical as well…like it…and excited for your hosting today!!!


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