Reviews of Publications by Victoria C. Slotto


Reviews and Comments for Winter is Past

by Victoria C. Slotto

 Winter is Past is more than a book; it’s a beautifully crafted portrait of life – of the love and loss that make us human.

With her mastery of the written word, Victoria Slotto invites us into their lives; their thoughts, their words, their surroundings all spring to life. Vivid yet subtle passages captured my imagination and swept me into their world of twists and turns. No detail was too small to escape her mention; no human emotion was too vast for her to tackle with raw truth and beauty.

I like to savor a great book, taking my time so as not to leave it behind me to soon. I wasn’t able to do that with this book. Each chapter ended with a pull to turn the next page, then the next. I finished the book long before I intended to.

Also, I read great books, not only for their content, but for their composition. A page didn’t go by where I didn’t stop and notice a magical description or pitch-perfect run of dialog. As an aspiring writer, I take every opportunity to learn from the best. I learned a great deal from Ms. Slotto.

I highly recommend Winter is Past and anything written by this amazing author.

Lorna Earl, Writer

A  beautifully written and purposeful exploration of the meaning of life through love, loss and rebirth. The journey of Claire makes us all appreciate the fragile string our lives are attached to and how each event makes all worth living. A great read!

Jean Davenport, Writer and Published Author

Victoria’s writing style is one to be enjoyed, without interruption, on a quiet afternoon, with a cup of herbal tea. She has helped many in some very hard situations with her experience and hope. This book is filled with love, challenge and new beginnings. I’d recommend this book to anyone who wants a lovely reading experience.

Marilyn Murphy, Spiritual Direction, Healing Ministry

Last evening I began your novel; at chapter 12, I made myself stop reading. I wanted to save what was coming next, like you put away a last piece of chocolate to savor later on.

I had such a full day yesterday…we went full tilt for the whole day!! Settling down with your book was my reward. I’m looking forward to what will come next.

Joan Larson  

I loved your book so much that I stayed up almost all night reading it. … and was sorry afterwards I had gobbled it up like a box of chocolates. … hurry up and get the next one out so I can wolf that one down, too!

Pat Cegan

… I better understand the true reality of being a transplant recipient. Discussion questions and an interview with the Author, included after the novel’s end were helpful. The former, stimulated expanded thinking in relation to Claire’s story. The latter engendered a more personal connection with the Author, which enriches my experience as a reader.

Pat Homeyer, Poet, Reno Marqueed, and Other Characters, Places Events, 2008

The powerful story and the beautiful spirit of the author are evident from almost the first page of ‘Winter is Past.’ It is a story of a haunting darkness from childhood, of life-threatening illness, of love and the utmost generosity and of terrible loss, grief–and rising from the ashes. Victoria grabs you in the first chapter and in trying to understand how anyone could survive Claire’s losses, it’s almost impossible to put it down. I cried through 60 pages! Winter is Past has a special place on my bookshelf, from where I will pick it up every time I need to be reminded of the strength of love and friendship and of beginning again.

Pam B., Tuscon, AZ


Reviews and Comments for “Beating the Odds: Support for Persons with Early Stage Dementia” 


This helpful pamphlet is chockfull of commonsense suggestions that are easily incorporated into daily activities with which you can encourage your loved one. This work was inspired by Victoria’s care of her elderly mother and her experiences as a nurse.

The first section, Shoring Up Memory!, is alone worth the price of admission. She advises phone logs, maintaining a memory board and lists, and a commitment to maintaining a Day Timer and a journal. Other advice includes simplifying life: no over-booking, doing what can be done to minimize stress, and reworking the home so that it is as danger-free as possible. She provides information on getting legal advice, creating a team of helpers (my term, not hers), finding doctors and other health care providers. Victoria emphasizes the importance of physical and mental exercises, faith and prayer, and family support.

I found it helpful and reassuring and suggest that it might be a particular use if you are new to this challenge as it offers a good base for developing a coping strategy.


While there are many books written for caregivers there are very few for early stage patients. This is the most time when treatment does the most good. I have suffered from dementia from a brain tumor for fifteen years and have spent much of that time looking for a book for patients. This is a very useful book.

John Caro

My mom has early stage dementia and it gave me several ideas to try with her to see if my sibling and I can help her to remember things a little better and keep her from a nursing home for as long as possible.


3 thoughts on “Reviews of Publications by Victoria C. Slotto

  1. Victoria, I just wanted you to know that I put up a review for The Sins of the Father on both Amazon and Goodreads. Anywhere else? Just let me know… 🙂 My email is

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