Taking a Blogging Break

computer closed for repair

Image by HawkinsThiel via Flickr

I’m sure I will go through some sort of withdrawal, but I need to take a “Blogging Break” in order to get my novel to the next stage of publication…thus, no Wordsmith Wednesday or Monday Morning Writing Prompts for a few weeks. I anticipate that I will be away from, or significantly limiting my blogging activity till the end of the month. I will miss you all, but look forward to returning with a vengeance in the near future. Thanks for your understanding!

24 thoughts on “Taking a Blogging Break

  1. We will all be here when you are again.


  2. Good luck! I hope it is going well. I dropped by just in case there was something new. I enjoy reading you very much (even if I don’t always comment…).
    See you around 🙂
    ~ deb


  3. Blogging breaks become essential for most of us to progress in other important areas.

    happy writing, you talented maven, you!

    Be great to see you whenst you return!



  4. Same thing, same gig, hopefully you are making money, and best of luck with the novel, Victoria, this is a GREAT reason for your blog to “catch some shuteye” for awhile. Funny thing is, just off my editing gig, I made an offer for poets:
    Love, Amy


  5. We’ll miss you! Good luck with your novel!


  6. enjoy a lovely break..


    We are celebrating one year anniversary, wish to say thank you for the support in the past year, keep up the excellence!

    You Deserve The Best!

    Bless Your Tuesday!
    Jingle Poetry Community



  7. S Basu says:

    all the best, i will certainly without least hesitation say thats an enjoyable priority.


  8. viv blake says:

    Enjoy yourself. We’ll miss you. Come back soon.


  9. brian says:

    have a great break valerie…and hope it is productive…see you soon…


  10. Good luck with the book. We’ll all miss your wonderful posts. xx


  11. Good luck with the book Victoria! You will be missed, a lot! Will be waiting to see what new will come up with your return here!


  12. Jamie Dedes says:

    You will be missed. Good luck with the book. So very pleased with your news.


  13. ayala says:

    wishing you well and good luck.


  14. During your break there will be a huge void for me. I always look forward to both of your challenges. Looks like Little Isabella should be worked on during your time away.
    MMMMmmmm … the end of summer escapes.

    Hope all of your writing during this time comes effortlessly and with a clarity that will flood your mind with thoughts and ideas.

    ~~~~~ : – (

    Hugs and Blessings,
    Isadora xoxoxo


  15. Morning says:

    have a lovely break.

    your interview for bluebell posted.


  16. tigerbrite says:

    Well, through this I found that you do writing prompts. Did not know that. I am also writing a novel that has to be completed. I look into the poetry and write some in between and then go back on the work. And back and back again. Sometimes the muse is with me all afternoon and I am gratified that I have written something worthwhile. And then it has to be rewritten again and again an again. Don’t lose yourself too deeply. Take a break now and then.


  17. May your time away from us be fruitful and fun!


  18. Ravenblack says:

    All the best, Victoria. And have a good break!


  19. ladynimue says:

    Good luck for the novel !
    Will wait for your return 🙂


  20. siggiofmaine says:

    Merry writing and a happy conclusion to the break. Will miss you, but will wait anxiously for your return.
    ☮ ♥ Siggi in Downeast Maine


  21. mish says:

    Wishing you everything of the best with the novel , Victoria ! Have a good blogging break at the same time . Cheers !


  22. Good luck with your novel. See you soon!


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