Orange Shoes

Photo: Nazeera Meedin (Pinterest)

Photo: Nazeera Meedin (Pinterest)

Orange Shoes
a Haibun

“Oh, I’ve made my share of mistakes,” Emily said. “How boring life would be without them.”

Sunlight stripped across the crevices on her 89-year-old face, creating hills and valleys in much the same way as her life had. But in her deep blue eyes, I saw the shimmer of stars, the reflection of the moon on water.

She took a sip of tea while I tried hard not to worry about the next patient on my list of hospice visits. She needed to talk and I wanted to listen. To really listen. “Do you want to talk about them,” I asked, hoping I wasn’t being intrusive.

“Oh, there was the man I loved who turned out to be pure evil. Because of him, I left a toxic relationship, so it cost me a few bucks. He conned me and broke my heart in the process. Without that lesson, I would never have been able to move on. In his own way, he gave me the gift of courage. And then, the job I took for money—it was pure soul-death, not suited to me at all. But that’s where I met someone who saved my life. I could go on and on; there are tons of lesser things.” And she did while I listened and learned.

Gently, when exhaustion emerged in her expression, she dismissed me. “In the end, I believe, the greatest mistake is not to forgive others or, especially ourselves. And not to forget that we are forgiven by the One who made us. I wear orange shoes with my purple dress.”

blue jay sings off-key
petals fall from the roses
imperfect beauty

Linked to dVerse Poetics where our lovely guest hostess invites us to reflect on mistake we’ve made. I wrote this as a fictional account, but, who knows, there may be some truth within.

18 thoughts on “Orange Shoes

  1. Barry D. says:

    “In the end, I believe, the greatest mistake is not to forgive others or, especially ourselves. And not to forget that we are forgiven by the One who made us. I wear orange shoes with my purple dress.”

    Sage advice that I will try to take to heart. This is a beautiful tale.


  2. Kate Mia says:

    as hard
    as i try.. i cannot
    see any beauty in perfect..
    in fAct.. the ugliest i for one
    kNow noW iS

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Our imperfections enhance our inner beauty, Victoria! This is a lovely haibun.


  4. A simply lovely halibun


  5. jillys2016 says:

    I love the pulling together of the title line and the Haiku. It draws a complete picture!


  6. To have such wisdom, to understand so much life, in the end. Something we all can hope for. I don’t want to get to the end of my life and feel it has been in vain. Whenever that end may be.


  7. Bryan Ens says:

    love the seeming non sequitur “I wear orange shoes with my purple dress”. She sounds like a lady who has found the secret to living joyfully!…and the ability to forgive is a key part of that!


  8. Oh I do love the conclusion… we need to be able to forgive ourselves, and the jump to the orange shoes is brilliant.


  9. Marvelous! Thank you! Another moment when fiction is truth.


  10. Laura Bloomsbury says:

    oh the paths that she walked down in orange shoes! – a most moving haibun with much momentum


  11. Your excellent haibun sounds a bit like my own experience…though I’ve never worn orange shoes!


  12. C.C. says:

    This may be a fictional account, but you have definitely captured truth here….and so stunningly, too. I love the “petals fall from the roses” line…oh my, gloriously divine. You have given us a snapshot of why imperfection is so perfectly beautiful! Thank you for joining in, Victoria 🙂


  13. Nan Mykel says:

    Great lat prose line. I can see it!


  14. whimsygizmo says:

    I absolutely love the shoes line, the way it seems to come from nowhere, and yet doesn’t. Isn’t life brutiful?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. kanzensakura says:

    This just made tears come to my eyes. I love that she wore orange shoes with her purple dress and that you took the time to listen. And such wisdom, the greatest mistake is to not forgive as we have been forgiven. The haiku is so beautiful – imperfect beauty indeed. Wabi-sabi.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Sanaa Rizvi says:

    A lot of depth and wisdom in your haibun Victoria ❤ I agree with you when you say that the greatest mistake is not to forgive others or, especially ourselves. Beautifully penned.

    Lots of love,


  17. Grace says:

    A beautiful haibun with an inspiring story Victoria ~ Our mistakes are indeed gifts for learning – the gift of courage is one ~ We are all imperfect, one way or the other ~


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