Gone with a Sigh

Gone with a Sigh

Near-winter dampness invades the room,
infects our space, lingers in the air like
twinning wisps of frigid breath and
smoke from your cigarette.

You cannot speak or won’t.
Perhaps you heard me. Maybe not.
Or did you seal your ears against the sound
of my newfound understanding?

By the ice-etched window, quiet still,
you stand, scratching petroglyphs
with your fingernail, eyes fixed on a quail
huddled in the branches of a juniper.

Remembering how I wept
when first I read those words,
(only a girl, I could not comprehend
an ending without joy) I sigh.

And though you do not say them now—
not my dear, nor brutal acclamation,
silence screams across the room. It’s true,
you do not give a damn.

But unlike Rhett, you stay—
a witness to hope’s dying whisper.
You do not stir the embers struggling
to give warmth. Our fireplace goes cold.

Submitted to One Shot Wednesday: http://onestoppoetry.com/

31 thoughts on “Gone with a Sigh

  1. What a sad way to blend the remembered words of movie lines with the repetition in reality experienced many years later. This was very touching, and a reminded me how closely Art imitates Life.


  2. dani says:

    from title to last sentence ~ so beautifully written, Victoria. my heart hurts for her. this is one of my favorites ever of your poems.


  3. So touching, moving, and $%^& sad. You have such mega skill. One of my favs. Great title too.


  4. brian says:

    ah there i am…i was sure i had read this prior but it was well worth the second read…shivers…in the dying heat…


  5. We all know the story and mo Victoria I was not expecting the happy ending! Clever use of imagery and descriptive writing to convey depth of emotion here! I’m very pleased to meet you!


  6. Tino says:

    Strange that I used Gone With The Wind today as part of my submission for One Shot Poetry.

    This a beautiful piece that moved me.


  7. Jamie Dedes says:

    The play with the title enhances the whole package, brilliantly executed. Those situations that go out with a sigh. Sigh! They were never what they seems – you found him out in the poem – so there’s nothing to die. There never was anthing substantive. It was only a dream.

    Good stuff –


  8. What a beautiful, powerful poem!


  9. Oh I love this movie! What a wonderful take on it! I’m in love!! 🙂 I wrote one called “such a pretty pity”, also GWTW inspired 🙂


  10. Artswebshow says:

    Wow, strong meaning in this.
    Well crafted the mood certainly fits the tough theme like a glove.


  11. Kim Nelson says:

    Heavy and heartbreaking, but beautifully so. And the flow and cadence are spot on.


  12. Luke Prater says:

    whoa yeah! Victoria you rock. Do you write bad poetry?


  13. claudia says:

    love this poem victoria – this is an emotional, intense and well-balanced write


  14. Bummer. I wish he did “give a damn” but can completely relate to the scenario. Sigh.


  15. Shashi says:

    Poignant… I liked it so much… could relate to it all

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    At Twitter @VerseEveryDay


  16. pamela says:

    What once was can be so sad at times, Victoria.
    Beautifully written poem.



  17. ladynimue says:

    I was desperately hoping for some happy twist in the end .. guess I have had too much of such chilling lines today ..


  18. hedgewitch says:

    I hate those ‘not with a bang, but a whimper’ moments in life–dispiriting and so cold, all painted vividly here. Looking at the still, how contemporary they look for some reason, not of any time–Civil War or the Forties either, but like someone you might pass at the mall. That universal quality, I guess, which your poem shares.


  19. Bodhirose says:

    It’s sad, it’s life, it’s superb! You have such finesse with words, Victoria!


  20. trisha says:

    what a poem! splendidly captured the sadness of dying embers.

    its so painful when only one tries to keep it alive.


  21. Kavita says:

    Oh maaann… a sad story relived is even more sad…
    So beautifully written, Victoria.. packed with emotion, and so very heartrending..

    A lovely one shot!


  22. I love “Gone with the wind”, I love your title “Gone with a sigh” … It’s sad how people change, feelings go cold and there is nothing you can do about it … And I’m “Gone in general”, brilliant poetry! I wish I could write like you!


  23. Pen says:

    lovely write. Well done.


  24. Siggi im Maine says:

    I agree with Dustus…a beautifully sad poem. Thank you for Sharing.


  25. dustus says:

    From title to final line…. a beautifully sad poem.


  26. souldipper says:

    That is one very well named poem, Victoria. It feels as though I’ve watched the air slowly escape a balloon that doesn’t even move. Phew!


  27. Rhett’s famous words will never be forgotten. Lovely poem, Victoria…


  28. brian says:

    ugh…this is so sad…that he remains is a constant reminder of what once was…


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