NaPoWriMo Day 2–Sleepless

bedroom at night

Image by rachel in wonderland via Flickr

I’m happy to celebrate National Poetry Month by participating in a variety of challenges available to those who wish to write a poem a day during the month of April. I’ve decided to browse the various prompts, choose one that speaks to me and post it to my blog.

This prompt came from NaPoWriMo: where the challenge for Day 2 is to write a poem incorporating the titles of three books you have in your library.


we have known both the agony
and the ecstasy of nights
held back from sleep

the sultry summer lust
our bodies wrapped in love’s
embrace and sweat

a random song that
cleaves the night but who would
dare to kill a mockingbird?

the soul’s raging war of
hearts betrayed or
guilt unburdened

yet in the morn we resurrect
we rise renewed, bodies sated
spirits unbroken

9 thoughts on “NaPoWriMo Day 2–Sleepless

  1. Artswebshow says:

    Excellent poetry.
    Sleepless is something i know rather well.
    A very emotional time


  2. Jamie Dedes says:

    Just FYI: mention of you on Dispatch today.
    Happy April challenges! 🙂


  3. honeyhaiku says:

    This is lovely and so emotive. Both the light and dark of insomnia!


  4. Jingle says:

    this one is tunning..
    masterful job.


  5. trisha says:

    this is fantastic liv. liked the sensousness of the poem.


  6. the summer lust expression, I loved it! I like the challenge you chose!


  7. Jamie Dedes says:

    Bravo! Very clever, Victoria! 🙂

    I you drinking lots of ice tea there to combat the heat?

    Ha! Thank goodness for air conditioning, huh.


  8. Laurie Kolp says:

    Beautiful! I especially like the third stanza… love “cleaves”…


  9. Nice write! The image goes well with the poem


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