Monday Morning Writing Prompt–Personification

LaGranja park bench

Image via Wikipedia

A poem I read recently by ALIVE aLwaYs inspired me for this week’s Monday Morning Writing Prompt. The poet has taken an everyday object, in this case, a park bench, and infused it with life. Read it here:

So, for this week’s prompt select something that you notice and personify it.

I apologize for not responding to last week’s prompt but I’ve been plagued with Internet challenges. I will work on this one and hope that you will join me by posting your link with your poem or flash fiction in the comments section of this post. Have a happy writing week and blessings to you.

12 thoughts on “Monday Morning Writing Prompt–Personification

  1. trisha says:

    thats a fantastic pic victoria.


  2. dani says:

    i posted a previously written poem because i felt it fit both your prompt and the photo prompt at Poets United. it’s one of my favorites. one thing else that came from this prompt is that i realized how often i personify things like the wind, the moon, the sea and other things from nature and i hadn’t ever thought about it. {smile} a great prompt, Victoria. thank you!


  3. […] Monday Morning Writing Prompt   .  at  .   liv2write2day’s Blog prompt:   personification […]


  4. Hello Victoria,

    After visiting ALIVE alwaYs’ , at your suggestion,
    my mind was filled with lots of things I thought would fit this category. I chose to write about “The Trouble Tree” for the spiritual fulfillment that nature can have on us if we take the time to look deeply.

    I always enjoy your writing prompts. Thanks for your dedication to it.




  5. Tino says:

    Back again after a leave of absence!

    Hope anyone who reads this will enjoy it, not just for the poem, but some of the information contained within.


  6. […] Submitted to Victoria’s MMWP […]


  7. ALIVE aLwaYs says:

    Thanks Victoria for such generosity. I indeed feel observed and blessed!
    Thanks again, have a great day!


  8. Bodhirose says:

    I saw ALIVE aLwaYs’ post too and really loved it. It inspired me to do a personification poem too. Here’s mine, Victoria:

    Cuckoo Clock


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