And I Will Die


Image by Extra Medium via Flickr

And I Will Die

On that morning
birds will shatter stillness
chant their purty, purty, purty
languish in the heady scent of citrus blooms

On that morning
light will slip through gauzy curtains while
dust motes dance, abandoned to
the whisperings of April’s breath

On that morning
clouds will roll in like frothy waves
stretch to lick the azure sky
dissolve into fragments of remembrance

On that morning
alone in the first kiss of dawn
I will die
and live again.

Previously posted and today linked to One Shot Wednesday at One Stop Poetry:


16 thoughts on “And I Will Die

  1. Aleza says:

    I am fascinated by the idea of being born again, but not in religious terms. I feel like life is a cycle of death and rebirth, morning and night, and your poem captures this beautifully. Also, congratulations on your interview with One Stop Poetry!


  2. Jamie Dedes says:

    Vivid! … and a wonderful close.

    The Western version of a Japanese death poem. Well done.


  3. On that morning
    alone in the first kiss of dawn
    I will die
    and live again.

    love this part very much!


  4. hmmm what a birthing!!! shouts of joy, nature bowing to a new day, a new you/me 🙂


  5. Bodhirose says:

    I remember when you posted this before–I loved it then and love it again. A passing with such ease, calmness and acceptance–like any other day.


  6. To know that in death there will be light is so gratifying. The light of a new episode.
    Just lovely, Victoria.

    hugs, Izzy xoxo


  7. trisha says:

    amen. what a beautiful way of closing one’s eye to reopen.


  8. to die and live again, blessed with a new morning and a new sky promising beauty … wonderful!


  9. ayala says:

    Intense and beautiful.


  10. Beautiful poem, Victoria. It gives me goosebumps! Amen! Blessings to you…


  11. souldipper says:

    Some paths teach that we die in order to live. This is clear when I finally see the part of me that prevents receiving the flow of quality (love, etc.) that life holds out so freely. Hopefully those mini-deaths will continue to cause the final one to be seen as a blessing.


  12. brian says:

    well it sounds like a beautiful day to go, you know…smiles…and often i find true living comes at the hand of dying


  13. jgavinallan says:

    wow! This is incredible. I’m sorry…not much professional insight here…just Wow!
    This is what a poem should be…deep, lovely words and thoughts that are from the heavens


  14. siggiofmaine says:

    Vivid imagery..wonderful word pictures, hopeful and thoughtful.
    Thank you,

    ♥ Siggi in Downeast Maine


  15. Kavita says:

    Oh… this is pure enlightenment, Victoria… there was something acutely refreshing and hopeful about this poem… I really liked it a lot! On a beautiful day, maybe even death will seem like part of that beauty… and that thought itself is liberating!!


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