Sacraments–dVerse Poetry Open Link Night

Four Seasons - Longbridge Road

Image by joiseyshowaa via Flickr

Purple petals dance
with solemn passion,
swirl in a breeze
filled with promise.

Sacred fireflies
shine in the wild night,
reach into the doleful void
to dazzle.

A dead leaf swirls in
the center of a whirling
torrent, disappears
down the storm drain.

Earth convulses while
blizzards howl,
morphs in an empty afternoon
beneath hoary skies .

Sursum corda.

Linked to dVerse Poets’ Pub Open Link Night. You are invited to join us, cozy up to the bar and share a poem. Our hostess this week is Joy Ann Jones, also known as hedgewitch. You can be sure she will make the evening fun-filled and, perhaps, a bit intoxicating.

42 thoughts on “Sacraments–dVerse Poetry Open Link Night

  1. Lindy Lee says:

    Have read many of your poems, have enjoyed your unique manner of relating and want to congratulate you on your fine gift of talent, which you have shared with humble me…


  2. Luke Prater says:

    the opening couple had me hooked. Evocative work V


  3. ds says:

    Not having Latin, I will have to research sursum corda, but I love this beautiful evocation of the seasons. Thank you.


  4. ladynimue says:

    beautiful one 🙂


  5. Poets Rally says:

    very elegant imagery.
    nature is magical.



  6. munchow says:

    A down to earth and beautiful poem. Yes, also lets the mind wander… The words create such lovely pictures.


  7. manicddaily says:

    These are really wonderful sacraments, and there is a ritual quality to them in your poem–in that you describe them in a way that seems not exactly habitual, but part of a sacred repeating dance. K.


  8. Rachel says:

    Beautiful poem. I wish I could see some fireflies.


  9. Mama Zen says:

    Gorgeous imagery!


  10. Made holy. The year of seasons make an apt metaphor for any life. We progress through stages, and transform in the end to something unrecognizable in the seasons of our life, transcending, caught up by the wind, and moved elsewhere. Well said!


  11. Pervagus says:

    Beautiful imagery in your piece. Elegantly written 🙂


  12. I love trees and the image (both picture and words) you offer us is divine. I have a quilt art piece that depicts the same tree at sunrise, noon, and sunset. Same kind of idea–cycles.


  13. Yousei Hime says:

    So much natural imagery, it swirls in a word symphony. I like the second best, being partial to fireflies.


  14. The dazzle of fireflies brought memories of nights with my grandchildren in the Rain Forest of Trinidad and their wonder at these tiny light bearers. Thanks for sparking that memory.


  15. You entranced me with those sacred fireflies and marvelous language. Thank you again for the lovely Hawaii story.


  16. superbly expressed! this is sheer essence of nature’s beauty!


  17. Steve King says:

    In the midst of it all, we should surely lift up our hearts. You make the very most of your inspiration here.


  18. Swirling in breezes of promise… your words are always a promise for joy and perfection! Nature stirred in emotions coming from your heart. Remarkable poetry Victoria!


  19. jenneandrews says:

    Oh yes, Lift up your hearts. lovely, Victoria– crisp and compelling and completing imagery–xx j


  20. Dear Victoria

    Lovely… I enjoyed it all the way …. created a wonderful image… and the nature play…

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya


  21. siggiofmaine says:

    Love this…especially the last paragraph…thanks for sharing,
    Siggi in Downeast Maine


  22. Jeff says:

    Nature renews . . . her spirit uplifting.

    Soft and tender, the language of your pierce.



  23. tinkwelborn says:

    Mm. Vivid. Your words evoke images that are almost palpable.
    good work.


  24. ayala says:

    Victoria, a beautiful poem!


  25. hobgoblin2011 says:

    Nice piece, really enjoyed the manner you were able to illustrate poetically the season and the change within, yet keeping the consistency of wind throughout. Very nice. Thanks


  26. amivglobus says:

    Lovely. A poem for all seasons.


  27. wolfsrosebud says:

    nice tight write… good capture of each season


  28. Hmm, somewhat the same feeling as in mine! 🙂


  29. Ravenblack says:

    Nice capture in words of a storm brewing up. The scene, the colors and sounds. The fireflies are a nice touch.


  30. Tino says:

    we seem to have found a Sacred muse this week with Sacred Music and Sacred fireflies 😉
    I love promise filled breezes, it reminds me of days spent sailing. We could smell promising sailing conditions on the wind. Happy Days.


  31. hedgewitch says:

    Thanks for the nod, Victoria, and for this lovely bit of philosophy wrapped in image. The Latin at the end says it all. Love that phrase ‘the doleful void..’


  32. claudia says:

    oh this is a beautiful nature snapshot…and the solemn passion and the swirling in breezes of promise..


  33. Oh Victoria! What lovely images you brought to my mind on this dreary day here. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words and bringing soft light into my window. xox



  34. Beautiful, all the seasons. We curse the heat we curse the cold of winter yet, we need each one for our sustenance.
    Lovely write from your pen again.


  35. Adura Ojo says:

    The idea of earth convulsing during autumn/winter rings true for me. You do a great job of finding and celebrating the beauty of this season, Victoria 🙂


  36. vivinfrance says:

    My heart is lifted by your poem – sacramental seasons, beautiful.


  37. Pat Hatt says:

    Wow a wonderful dance through the seasons, great verse.


  38. brian miller says:

    excellent descriptions victoria…right there as i read…i love nature so all the leaves and fireflies dancing around is rather a nice image to me…you can hold the blizards though…i am not ready…


  39. Mohana says:

    Very good…definite, lucid imagery!


  40. Good ol’ Sursum corda…thanks for sharing this flitting piece!


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