Monday Morning Writing Prompt–Do the Details

Wine tasting in Sérignan, Vaucluse

Image via Wikipedia

For today’s prompt let’s focus on details. We know it’s those minute sensory excursions that bring our writing to life, whether poetry or prose. Engaging the five senses allows the reader to share the experience.

Perhaps you’ll want to focus on the sensory overload of a Thanksgiving meal, the particular scents and colors of the season of the year (wherever you are), the crowds milling about in the mall. It’s always fun just to go someplace and observe, then write your experience.

Beginning next week, I will be combining Monday Morning Writing Prompt and Wordsmith Wednesday into a new weekly writing event that will post at 4PM PST. I hope to see you there!

To participate in today’s prompt: Write your response, post it on your blog, copy and paste the URL into Mr. Linky and take a few moments to visit others. Don’t forget, we welcome both poetry and prose.

7 thoughts on “Monday Morning Writing Prompt–Do the Details

  1. vivinfrance says:

    This was a prompt that I absolutely loved doing. Thank you, Victoria.


  2. mish says:

    Once again, I went “off at my own tangent”, in response to your Monday Morning Writing Prompt.
    I thoroughly enjoyed doing so (may I add) 🙂


  3. zongrik says:

    I’m never sure if what I write is what you’re looking for. This took a lot of research. Hope you like it.


  4. […] for: Monday Morning Writing Prompt: Do the […]


  5. Victoria says:

    I resorted to an older post, too. Just a busy time for many of us, I guess. :0)


  6. manicddaily says:

    Victoria, I’m sorry if I posted twice. It didn’t seem to go up. This is an older poem, pre-posted, but it focuses a great deal on detail, and it is actually one of the poems I’ve written that I like best. Hope all is well. K.


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