A Daily Dose–Monday Meanderings

Photo: thehealthsite.com

Photo: thehealthsite.com

For today’s Monday Meanderings, I’m offering a quote a day for each of us who pursue a creative lifestyle, whatever art form(s) is your passion.

Rx: Creative Inspiration—
sig: 1 qd x 1wk (that is, one a day for one week!)
swallow whole, sit back and reflect
get butt in gear and create

All of the successful artists (writers…) I know are very disciplined and very organized. Even if they don’t look organized, they have their own order.
Anna Deavere Smith
Letters to a Young Artist

There is time in your day for writing—no matter how busy/important/stressed you are. You may not like me for saying this, but you do have twenty-four hours to spend. Same as everyone else. You can stop time by falling enormously in love with your own writing self.
Heather Sellars
Page after Page

Writing can teach us the dignity of speaking the truth, and it spreads out from the page into all of our life, and it should.
Natalie Goldberg
Writing Down the Bones

Blocking is essentially an issue of faith. Rather than trust our intuition, our talent, our skill, our desire, we fear where our creator is taking us with this creativity.
Julia Cameron
The Artist’s Way

Writing is about hypnotizing yourself into believing in yourself, getting some work done, then unhypnotizing yourself and going over the material coldly. There will be many mistakes…
Anne Lamott
Bird by Bird

Many of us find that we have squandered our own creative energies by investing disproportionately in the lives, hopes, dreams, and plans of others.
Julia Cameron
The Artist’s Way

Life is so rich, if you can write down the real details of the way things were and are, you hardly need anything else.
Natalie Goldberg
Writing Down the Bones

Image: embraceordinary.com

Image: embraceordinary.com

I found these quotes in a few of the books that have helped me most in my creative journey. I highly recommend them and realize that it’s time for me to revisit one (or all) of them.

Busy as I have been with the work-end of trying to publish my second novel, I feel creatively drained. I haven’t been happy with my poetry and find I am not writing much in the way of new material. In a way, publishing a book is a bit like raising a child and then setting her free in the world. There is a strong sense of emptiness that ensues.

In a few days, I expect to receive my proof of “The Sin of His Father.” There will be another edit (or more), a careful evaluation of the cover, perhaps the need to order yet another proof. I will be working on some sort of marketing plan as well. Hopefully, by early August (maybe even late July) I will be ready to launch this project.

In the meantime, I have a great need to refresh my creative spirit.

Have a happy, creative week.

9 thoughts on “A Daily Dose–Monday Meanderings

  1. All of the quotes have merit but the one from Natalie Goldberg –
    Writing Down the Bones – hit the brain spot for me. I’ve always enjoyed writing things as they were and are. To expose the soul is freeing.
    Great list, Victoria.


  2. I love them all, but Anne Lamott’s enchanted me. I read “Bird by Bird” a while ago. I may have to pick it up again… 🙂


  3. brian miller says:

    i am a firm believer in the discipline of writing…of setting aside time each day to write…no matter how good it is…and sunday, hey that is what i do…smiles…sorry i am late…computer issues yesterday


  4. lynndiane says:

    thanks for sharing these quotes to get our creative juices flowing in the right direction…may the world be kind to your “child” and your “child” make a difference!


  5. Wonderful bits of inspiration, thank you, and best of everything with your new book, too, Victoria!


  6. claudia says:

    best wishes for your book victoria…it is a lot of hard work but so rewarding when you will hold it in hand finally… and very cool writing quotes as well… haven’t found my time of the day for writing yet..it’s a bit of a mix still – but that may not be bad at all as well


  7. Oh thank you for this, Victoria – just the nice kick in the pants I needed 🙂 K


  8. rmp says:

    an excellent collection of inspiration. I hope your creative well finds itself once again overflowing soon.


  9. Sunday’s quote is the one for me. Thank you for your inspiration (s)


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