It Is No Small Thing to Sparkle

Photo: sea_foam_at_ocean_beach___san_francisco_by_babybluejeff

Photo: sea_foam_at_ocean_beach___san_francisco_by_babybluejeff

It Is No Small Thing to Sparkle
(Mary Oliver)
a quadrille

This title begs to be a poem,
and today, perhaps,
it will write itself—

blue-green oceans
receding relentlessly.

foam left behind
upon the sandy shore.

the shimmery bubble
that holds inside

a universe
full of the life
and brilliant colors
of creation.

Linked to dVerse’s Monday Prompt to write a Quadrille, a poem of 44 words, no more, no less, using this week’s prompt using the word, BUBBLE. Take a chance and have a lot of fun.

The title of this poem is from Mary Oliver’s poem, Four Sonnets, which I read this morning in her latest book of poetry, Felicity.

22 thoughts on “It Is No Small Thing to Sparkle

  1. Kate Mia says:

    Colors Bubble
    uP inNer
    uS freEinG
    wE aWay
    from fear
    Waves surf
    SpRinkLinG liGht..:)


  2. I really enjoyed the process….how the title blossomed so naturally into a a beautiful poem.


  3. Bubbles are no small things…but rainbows


  4. vbholmes says:

    A wonderful title for your uplifting piece.


  5. Snakypoet (Rosemary Nissen-Wade) says:

    A lovely poem!


  6. Truedessa says:

    Wow, I really enjoyed this poem…just lovely..a universe full of life.


  7. Beautiful, Victoria! From the apparent emptiness to a full universe of creation! Stunning.


  8. Bryan Ens says:

    Love how you took us from the vastness of the ocean to the tiny bubble which issuing contains colour and life.


  9. lillian says:

    Sitting on the deck here in St George Bermuda, I watch the waves and see the foam. Excellent description of its beauty and its mysteries!


  10. Poems really do write themselves sometimes, but this one shows the grasp of a poet full of love of life. I love the way someone else’s line can set a spark to our own writing.


  11. Em says:

    This is so fantastic. It should be in books, on walls, and definitely memorized.


  12. Smooth…

    That title was indeed begging to be a poem. And you made it happy, happy, happy… and beautiful.


  13. Bodhirose says:

    That’s a great title that you borrowed from Mary Oliver, Victoria…and I so agree, it was begging for a poem to be written and I love what you did with it.


  14. ShirleyB says:

    Bubbles have always fascinated me, and your poem capures that feeling so well.


  15. Mary says:

    Oh, those bubbles – when you look at them- do hold a universe, don’t they? I just love looking at all the colors that are reflected in just one single bubble.


  16. Waltermarks says:

    Your sparkly bubbles do indeed tell a tale. A world of creation inside out


  17. Grace says:

    How inspiring to read Victoria ~ You reminded us that everywhere is a wonderful color of life ~


  18. I love the flow of this poem Victoria, beautifully done.


  19. whimsygizmo says:

    Oh, how beautiful, Victoria. The title DOES beg to be a poem. And the poem sparkles.

    Bubbles DO hold their own universes, don’t they? I love this.


  20. I really love how you went from the title to the creation.. Those wonderful colors of the sea.. My toes begged for warm sand reading your words.


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