sere–dVerse Quadrille Monday

Photo: Wikipedia Commons--labeled for noncommercial reuse

Photo: Wikipedia Commons–labeled for noncommercial reuse


this wind has raped
the trees of leaves
and palms of fronds

dark clouds hang low
on mountain tops
but withhold rain

coyote prowls
the desert floor
seeking for prey
on arid land

sun soon will scorch
our arid earth
to our cha-

Written for dVerse Quadrille Monday where we write a poem of exactly 44 words, excluding the title. This week we are to include the word “grin.”

My poem reflects the current state of things in the California Desert. The rest of the state is getting much needed precipitation while we sit here looking at clouds that just don’t seem to want to give us a break. But then, this is the desert.

18 thoughts on “sere–dVerse Quadrille Monday

  1. Kate Mia says:

    DArk hole
    soUl human
    winds breathe
    killing seeds of
    death across the
    earth.. but
    grin tHere
    are short
    iN sPan
    of what’s
    iN liGht..:)


  2. Cheryl-Lynn says:

    Very clever and moving too…la mère nature s’attriste sans ses larmes de chagrin


  3. Snakypoet (Rosemary Nissen-Wade) says:

    Well that ending made me grin! And in fact the whole poem is lovely.


  4. This is very good! I so enjoy when poetry is utilized to bring attention to an issue! You have done that so well!


  5. Glenn Buttkus says:

    CA can be ruthless, for when it does rain on the desert, it’s usually a deluge, flash-flooding, filling the arroyos, setting up killing zones. My decade in CA was a plethora of annual brush fires, flash floods & mud slides–to my chagrin.


  6. Brillians use of grin! Viv grins in appreciation.


  7. kim881 says:

    A very clever and beautiful take on the prompt. Love it Victoria, especially the first stanza.


  8. […] quadrille for Monday’s prompt is here. That fun prompt is open all […]


  9. whimsygizmo says:

    YES. Oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes. You KNOW I love this. Nothing pleases me more than a well-placed hyphen. Wish I’d thought of this one! 🙂 DELIGHTED.


  10. Mary says:

    I can feel the harshness of the drought, Victoria. Unlike anything I have personally known.


  11. Bodhirose says:

    I liked how you snuck in that word grin, Victoria…pretty cool! But I understand the chagrin of your feelings on the lack of rainfall. In some areas it’s become an emergency.


  12. lynn__ says:

    Ah, even in the disappointment of drought you still enjoy playing with words, Victoria! Love “sere” and “cha-grin” 🙂


  13. Grace says:

    I have not been to one…so I am imagining the scorching heat ~ Love that cha-grin, smiles ~


  14. Raivenne says:

    “cha-grin” nicely played. Regrettably, the clouds are not playing the rain game with you even for a desert. Hope you get a series of good soaking rains soon.


  15. Bryan Ens says:

    cha-grin – a rather cheeky way to use the prompt word 🙂 Nicely played!


  16. This is exactly how I remember the desert.. those clouds that are not really of any use. holding in the rain… and I love the innovation of cha-grin


  17. You’ve painted an excellent word-picture of the harsh conditions in a desert that’s seen even less precipitation than normal. And that is an unusual way to include “grin” in the poem. Peace, Linda


  18. katy says:

    Oh, how clever!


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