Golden Slumbers–dVerse Poetics

Sevenling (Golden Slumbers)

Shake off dreams this early morn;
leave behind your world of fantasy;
gently emerge to that mythical riff

of reality’s beat-heat—relentless
drumming—life in allegro, pulsing,
relentless force into wakefulness.

Or, go back it bed. It’s Saturday.

Today, at dVerse Poetics, guest host, Lillian, invites us to have a FANTASTIC time, enjoy a bit of music if we wish and sip some poetry.

You may recognize the title to this poem that I’ve borrowed from the Beatles–I’ve included a YouTube video for those of you who are too young! And don’t forget Monday’s Haibun that will be open all week.

The form is a Sevenling. For info on that form, check out De’s post last Thursday.

26 thoughts on “Golden Slumbers–dVerse Poetics

  1. I can dance to this. I found myself singing it, and shaking my shoulders to the sounds. You had a “FANTASTIC time”, indeed… and shared it, too. 🙂


  2. I’m a fan of that last line, too…sleeping in is a fantasy for me!


  3. Ava Hypatia says:

    Your images of wake sleep were perfect! Loved this piece. Isn’t it just so the relentless force of wakefulness…thank goodness I say most days!


  4. Love that last line!


  5. Misky says:

    Three cheers for Saturdays! (and your lovely poem, of course).


  6. kelvin s.m. says:

    Wow, Victoria, thank you for including the video of that wonderful music by the Beatles as I am confident I have never heard it before. I like your Sevenling! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. kim881 says:

    I love the message in this sevenling – like Bjorn, I am a morning person. I am a Beatles fan, though, and love the reference. I wrote a piece of flash fiction based on ‘Eleanor Rigby’ last year, entitled ‘All the lonely people’ and when I taught English at high school,.one of the creative writing prompts I used was ‘She’s Leaving Home’. Now that would be an interesting challenge for the Poets Pub – write a poem based on a Beatles song!.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lovely, lovely sevenling. I’d never heard that Beatles version – but I knew the original whose words were used at the end of the song. I used to sing it to my babies, way back when.

    Time is now going by prestissimo, while I am reduced to adagio!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh I love the though of going back to sleep – alas I’m a morning person so once awake I can only hope of sleeping…

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Candy says:

    Yes! Let’s hit the snooze button. Big smile for the ending 🙂


  11. Bodhirose says:

    Love everything ever done by the Beatles I think! It was fun to hear this song again…loved Abbey Road. Just a couple of weeks ago or so I almost got up out of bed too early forgetting that it was Saturday. 🙂


  12. whimsygizmo says:

    AWESOME! I’m so glad you got the play with the Sevenling. 🙂 LOVE that last line! 😉


  13. lovely take Victoria, though going back to bed is always a good option.


  14. kanzensakura says:

    Wonderful sevenling. When in doubt, roll over and catch 40 winks. Love the video too. Just what I love about workforce relinquishment…i can roll over!


  15. Oh, O do love the idea of rejuvenatement. Yesss!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lillian says:

      I just now also asked Glenn to join us — replying to his comment on your fantasia take here. Nice to see you this morning! 🙂 Do go over to the pub and read my last post — 🙂


  16. Sabra Bowers says:

    Yay for Saturday. Love this poem.


  17. Grace says:

    I will go back to bed and slumber some more 🙂 ~ Love the video too, very nice nostalgia song Victoria ~


  18. Glenn Buttkus says:

    Love this sumptuous little sevenling; my retirement has been boffo with ME projects, & rife with imagination; nice to find others who feel the same way.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lillian says:

      Reading comments this morning with my morning cup — and I notice you use the word “retirement.” Seems to me, Glenn, that you are anything but tired again — as in retired. For me, I’m in my rejuvenatement period 🙂 Care to join me in starting a rejuvenaters movement? 🙂


  19. Sanaa Rizvi says:

    Oh such a wonderful response to the prompt 😀 love that video.


  20. lillian says:

    Oh thank you thank you thank you. I’ve just sat back, eyes closed, and listened to the entire music video. They could indeed make real music, harmonic, meaningful, instruments that sounded like instruments. Is that what our parents said about Benny Goodman when we were listening to the Beatles???
    Love your sevenling take on the prompt. Life in allegro indeed. The wonderful thing about rejuvenatement (I never say “retirement”) is Sunday nights. They are as relaxing as Friday and Saturday nights 🙂
    Great take on the prompt!

    Liked by 1 person

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