Awakening–dVerse Qudarille Monday


First sun scrapes its way
through dense pewter clouds,
scatters dreams.

Shadows of bare branches
pour through gauzy curtains,
spill onto the white comforter.

The poet stirs, collects
words that leap from
darkness into wonder.

Freshness dispels entropy;
can hope endure, linger?
Even thrive?

Photo: Victoria Slotto

Happy New Year to all my poet friends. Busyness has overwhelmed me, and although the next few days will be quite challenging, I long to write more. So, today, I’m jumping in to dVerse Haibun Monday, where we are writing poems of exactly 44 words, excluding title. Today’s prompt requires us to use the word LEAP. Please join us. The prompt is open all week. I will return comments, but most likely not until the end of the week. Be blessed in 2018.

36 thoughts on “Awakening–dVerse Qudarille Monday

  1. Stefan says:

    Nature in its glory!! Beautiful! 🙂 God bless!


  2. SMiLes mY FriEnd
    to: For the Love
    oF Hope
    cOMe From:
    Poetry when words..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful, as always. I particularly like the picture of “words that leap from / darkness into wonder.”


  4. merrildsmith says:

    I especially like this:
    “The poet stirs, collects
    words that leap from
    darkness into wonder.”

    I think that’s how it works!


  5. rothpoetry says:

    I like the idea of the poets writing keeping freshness and strength in life!
    Great Poem!


  6. jazzytower says:

    I love the movement of this Victoria. From the sun scraping its way through pewter clouds, through the curtain of bare branches. I can see the pattern it casts on the comforter and how it could inspire a poem, and hope. Very nicely done. Very vivid.


  7. Kathy Reed says:

    Iove the scattering of dreams and implied hope in the Quadrille.


  8. Shadows spilling over the white comforter…love this, and the whole thing! Can hooe survive? Yes, even without us, it lives.


  9. That’s a beautiful photo, too.


  10. Wonder is a good place to be, even if it doesn’t take us to the place of fully thriving.


  11. I love how ‘Shadows of bare branches pour through gauzy curtains’ and we were thinking along the same lines in wonder! A very happy New Year to you and your family Victoria, may it bring you many blessings :o) xxx


  12. wolfsrosebud says:

    Beautiful… It motivated me to write!


  13. Nothing like a good question begging an answer! The imagery was vivid.


  14. ““The poet stirs, collects
    words that leap from
    darkness into wonder.”

    Beautiful thoughts! Truly an awakening! Wish you a Happy New Year 2018!


  15. MarinaSofia says:

    This describes exactly how I started my day and my year. Nice move from the physical to the metaphorical.


  16. It definitely felt like an awakening.It is good to be emerging from the darkness. XX


  17. Janice says:

    Beautiful poem 🙂


  18. “freshness dispels entropy” – Love that!


  19. Your stanzas flow like haiku. I love how you articulate awakening with such evocative images!


  20. I like the hope that leaps from this piece! Happy new year!


  21. jillys2016 says:

    Nice progression of these stanzas and wonderful description of the day and its play with inspiration and hope.


  22. Mish says:

    Hope will always thrive! This is so beautiful in imagery that I can see you as the poet rising to the occasion of a new year of wordsmithing and inspiration. Lovely!


  23. Sounds a bit like the dark night of the soul. Seems that is where things are at the moment and the question will hope break through it all. Lovely.


  24. kelly says:

    I haven’t officially picked a word for the year, but if I did, it would be hope. Because last year needed more of that, and here we are. 2018, hoping. A lovely poem.


  25. Beautiful imagery! A beautiful poem for the beginning of a new year. Full of hope and challenge!


  26. kanzensakura says:

    Truly wonderful Victoria. I love the photo as much as I love the poem. The last stanza says so much. I am looking forward to being calm for a few days. I wish you the same. Happy New Year my friend. Blessings to you.


  27. Hope can do all of those and more. Great poem. Loved the leap from darkness to wonder.


  28. I like the message of that final stanza!


  29. I know those pewter clouds. It’s a perfect description. And the words are like the sun coming out from behind the clouds.


  30. Grace says:

    I admire how words can leap from darkness to wonder ~ I pray for that hope to linger ~ Happy new year ~


  31. kim881 says:

    That description of first sun ‘through dense pewter clouds’ is what gets me up early every day – the best time for writing.,Your poem speaks directly to me, Victoria. I am that poet!


  32. Trådløs says:

    Collecting words that leap from darkness into wonder. What a wonderful job description for a poet. And yes, I think that hope can thrive. Beautiful


  33. I so much think that hope can grow for us… it’s perfect to let it leap from dawn to paper… Happy new year 🙂


  34. This picture is as stunning as your words.


  35. Frank Hubeny says:

    I liked the second stanza about the shadows of branches on the comforter.


  36. Charley says:

    “The poet stirs, collects / words that leap from / darkness into wonder.” Very true! Very much like the pensieve in the Harry Potter books. We stir and collect… from the darkness we have stored within. From darkness into wonder — the alchemy of poetry! Wonderfully said!

    Liked by 1 person

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