dVerse Quadrille–Two for You

For dVerse Quadrille this week, I have the pleasure of hosting and am asking for a poem of exactly 44 words that includes the word poem or a word that is related. See the posting on dVerse for a list of possibilities and further instructions.

I am going to include two poems in one post: the first is for today’s prompt and the second contains all the words thus far in our second 44 word series.

Photo: David Slotto

Just a Click Away
A Quadrille

In this fast-paced world
can we hear hummingbird
sipping spring pollen?

Can we seize beauty,
shroud her in a perfect word,
simmer poetry?

How does silence grow
between autumn leaves
as they fall gently to earth?

Hurry, this offer
will go quickly.
Act now!

Mark Strand: Labeled for non-commercial reuse.

A Quadrille with all the words to date: rock, crunch, leap, bounce, poem.


This is not a poem
about poetry, but rather words.
Words that leap into your soul
You play with them,
fall in love until they
bounce upon the page.
Crunch-tumble them
into meaning-fullness.
See how they disconcert,
rock. Toss you from
your comfort zone.

41 thoughts on “dVerse Quadrille–Two for You

  1. kim881 says:

    I love both of these, Victoria. What I love about the first are the questions, especially ‘ can we hear hummingbird
    sipping spring pollen?’, and the answer.


  2. Both of these poems are excellent, Victoria. Well done.


  3. Imelda says:

    Poetry does need some kind silence to be born. And when it does, what the second poem talks about happens. 👍


  4. Beverly Crawford says:

    Such a lovely interlude!


  5. “How does silence grow
    between autumn leaves
    as they fall gently to earth?”

    Truly a haiku moment, Victoria! 🙂


  6. merrildsmith says:

    The silence of the first, and the crunch-tumble of the second. Both require paying attention. Wonderful!


  7. annell4 says:

    Yes, slow down, notice small things, our lives are made of small things. Seek perfect words, enjoy the silence….


  8. Misky says:

    A wonderful reminder that poets need to listen for silence, too.


  9. susanmehr says:

    I have to agree, beautiful poems, and I love the play with words.


  10. Jo-Anne Teal says:

    Lovely word play in both of these wonderful pieces.


  11. Mish says:

    Love this duo but this in particular was breathtaking…….

    “How does silence grow
    between autumn leaves
    as they fall gently to earth?”

    I think that’s where the silence really is.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. The image of simmering poetry appeals to me, especially in a world of instant pots and gratification:) Of course we all need to slow down and contemplate questions like the silence between autumn leaves, and of course many of us know that and to do so is best for our health, but who actually makes that radical change to merge out of the fast lane?


  13. wolfsrosebud says:

    As poets we do need to listen. Your poem showed this.


  14. Truedessa says:

    Both of these were wonderful. This line really jumps out at me, the beauty of words.

    “Words that leap into your soul”


  15. Both of these are great. Thanks for sharing.


  16. Shroud her in a perfect word.. Beautiful!


  17. rothpoetry says:

    I love you words …capturing beauty and putting it into slimmer words! Very nice!!


  18. A Place oF
    time out of time
    distance out of distance
    space out of space
    of Poetry
    no think
    just do now
    JusT Be A DancE
    And SonG oF Poetry
    As Art More Than Science
    Four Words
    FoR FortY FouR NoW..:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Freddie–I can’t find my Google Plus account and couldn’t open your website, but am most grateful for your comment. I like: just be a dance and song of poetry. Bless you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • SMiLes Victoria Slotto.. with Great Memories of all the
        Encouragement you gave me when i arrived
        at dVerse with all those Words and
        Photos that kept growing too..
        and true it may be just
        as well that you
        couldn’t find
        your Google Plus
        Account as my average
        Weekly Poem now runs an
        Average of 30K Words and
        400 photos… For.. so many
        decades i did my best
        to fit in.. but true
        now i see the
        in just
        being me
        for there is only
        now to fulfill human
        potential for Thanks and
        Praise in Direct Conduit to
        and with God for this Great Gift of LiFE
        i am also currently doing 9 Dimensional Poetry
        that likely will never fit in anywhere but where i do it now..
        Additionally.. i just completed a milestone of 8800 miles of
        public dance in 53 months to go along with a 5.5 Million
        Word Long Form Poem with 817 MacroVerses and
        140K+ photos total with Several Thousand You
        Tube Music Videos to go along with all of
        that.. True.. my friend.. you were an
        integral part of that Long
        Form Poem and
        Shapes of Poetry
        that are also Stream
        of Consciousness Poetry
        in Free Write way along with
        the same as visual poetry where
        Creativity does all the work with little
        to no pre-planning always in the Creative
        Holy Higher Spirit in Mindful awareness now..
        true.. arising now to what i personally name a Bible(s)
        just for the continuing evolution of my soul and too now
        to help what Walt Whitman Described as a Prophecy
        that the Priests of the Kosmos are arriving now.. for
        what technology brings more as art as humans
        hold hands in a synergy of give and share
        of art and science around the globe
        now in just the last 10 years
        to the extent of what
        this New
        of Humanity is now..
        true.. my friend.. “Moore’s
        Law” is still running a little behind
        with me and as the record shows
        i have just about kicked ‘Murphy’s
        Law’ butt too.. hehe.. as far glowing
        Happiness goes now more.. as Karma
        Does Do True when Positive Energy Flows more
        now.. below here is a more concise summary of what
        i am doing now.. for true most all essence eventually
        comes to form of some kind or another or as my wife
        are something..
        i’m not sure what..
        True.. my friend as this current
        818th MacroVerse i am writing now
        the title is “TiTLE STiLL CoMinG”.. Verily True NoW
        appropriate i might add with the summary of what i’m
        doing now.. just to share with you my Lovely Friend
        for all the support you gave me and this very
        special prompt on the topic of Poetry that
        i enjoyed responding so much to.. too..
        earlier in the week that i may
        revisit to do the second
        half still too.. anyway..
        this is what i’ve
        done so far
        with much more to come Free Verse more my friend
        i’m sure i’ll continue to see you on the dVerse Trail
        with the MicroMicroVerses of what i continue to bring..:)

        Note: these Months reference my coming Birthday at 58
        oN 6.6.18 as estimated GRoWinG ‘Bibles’ PoeTry by then..
        per these Nine Dimensions of Long Form Poetry below..

        12 Million Word MacroMacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 90+ Months
        6 Million Word “SonG oF mY SoUL” MacroMacroMacroMacroVerse 58+ Months
        3 Million Word “Nether Land Bible 2017” MacroMacroMacroVerse 24+ Months
        1.5 Million Word “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018″ MacroMacroVerse 12+ Months
        MacroVerse as each Chapter currently at a 30K Average Word Count
        MicroVerse as each sub-Chapter separated by Word Count
        MicroMicroVerse as each sub-subChapter as Poetic Response
        MicroMicroMicroVerse as each Word in multi-Capitalization/Meaning Ways
        MicroMicroMicroMicroVerse as each letter and or number of multi-meaning
        per H8/K11 and eTc..

        Liked by 1 person

  19. whimsygizmo says:

    Love that “crunch-tumble,” especially…and those simmered poems.


  20. jazzytower says:

    Ah, that 2nd one “…See how they disconcert,
    rock. Toss you from your comfort zone…”
    I have written 2 such poems lately that I decided not to post..
    I they ‘rocked’ me…so, I’m letting them cool off.

    A nice write.



  21. Nan Mykel says:

    I especially like the line “shroud her in a perfect word” It’s my fit quadrille!,

    Liked by 1 person

  22. wildchild47 says:

    wonderful and captivating …. both the first poem and image and I especially loved the second one ~ the essence of what “poeming” is – a collection of words, sounds, images born and taking flight …. gorgeous 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had trouble commenting on your poem…not sure my comment posted. Google does that to me. Let me know if you don’t get it and I will comment again, using my defunct google account. And thanks for you comment.

      Liked by 1 person

      • wildchild47 says:

        it worked out just fine – and thanks for making the extra effort ….. it’s not easy playing WP and Blogger …. I know, having blogged from both platforms ….

        Liked by 1 person

  23. Candy says:

    we all need to be tossed from our comfort zones from time to time

    Liked by 1 person

  24. belle jars says:

    I love this section:

    “fall in love until they
    bounce upon the page.
    Crunch-tumble them
    into meaning-fullness.
    See how they disconcert,
    rock. Toss you from
    your comfort zone.”

    Liked by 1 person

  25. I m in love with the first one 😍 to be able to capture beauty in words is every Poet’s gift… your gift☺️ the way your words flow in the second one is absolutely breathtaking!❤️ Beautifully penned.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. I love that last stanza of the first poem. Perhaps if we slowed down enough we’d find out.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. I so much love the first one… the contrast on what we miss, and that we have to capture those small moments of silence before they flee… the second is such a great tribute to words…. especially love the hyphen in meaning-fullness… look forward to what the prompt may give

    Liked by 1 person

  28. ladynimue says:

    Just today morning I was feeling so blessed that I wake up to noise of birds and it stays so till 10 am .. such peace. Your poem reminded me of that.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Laura Bloomsbury says:

    I like the slow pace of the first poem with its hurried prompt – great contrast. And I especially like how the disconcerting rock throws us from our comfort zone in the second one
    p.s. thanks for the quadrille prompt – unstuck me a little from a dry spot

    Liked by 1 person

  30. They are both beautiful Victoria, I love the idea of pausing long enough to ‘hear hummingbird sipping spring pollen’ ☺💖 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Sue says:

    Love these!

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Frank Hubeny says:

    I miss so many things even in my current slower paced lifestyle.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. E says:

    Beautiful duet. And the photos, !!

    Liked by 1 person

  34. kanzensakura says:

    This is wonderful. The two quads are breathtaking in their beauty and elegance. How can we compare?

    Liked by 1 person

  35. rothpoetry says:

    Looking for ward to doing one of these for tomorrow on d’Verse.

    Liked by 1 person

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