Life Seasons–dVerse Monday Haibun

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Life’s Seasons
a Haibun

Lately, I’m almost afraid to answer the phone when Aunt Joyce, the matriarch of our family, calls. I love this elderly, alert, wise woman who has outlasted her generation, and seems to be the glue that holds much of our vast family together. But recently the calls have been peppered with sadness—stage IV cancer, death and more death. These are members of my generation that she reports on. Brings it home, it does, as I’m the oldest of the bunch.

Outside my “treehouse” office, I spotted a large, artfully woven nest a couple of weeks ago. It remained empty until Saturday when I spied papa bird standing on its rim. He ruffled his feathers, puffed out his red breast, then sidled up to mama, snuggling for a few moments, remaining as she flew off for her break. Twelve to fourteen days, my Google Assistant tells me. Will I get to witness birth?

full-throated robin
sings summer joy lustily
I prune dead roses

26 thoughts on “Life Seasons–dVerse Monday Haibun

  1. timkeen40 says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this with us.



  2. Sarah Ann says:

    That’s a wonderful view to have from your window. Here’s hoping for hatchlings soon.


  3. robbiecheadle says:

    This is an excellent haibun, Victoria.


  4. memadtwo says:

    Life and death always stand side-by-side. (K)


  5. Good juxtaposing here, Victoria. The moment of tender love between the hatchlings’ parents remind us to live in the moment and express our love for each other while we still can.


  6. Charley says:

    Beautifully written — lovely metaphor concealed in the open in your haiku


  7. qbit says:

    Most excellent. Last line of the Haiku is a killer.


  8. I really love this… the two parts really complement each other… and I’m sure that you will see them hatch… the haiku is just stellar

    Liked by 1 person

  9. The cycle of life and death continues. Then robins build a nest, and you feel the joy. Lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Frank Hubeny says:

    Nice pairing of those two paragraphs and description in the second of those two birds and their nest.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Grace says:

    When the news is about death and dying, it makes me sad. But how joyful to witness the birthing of those baby birds ~ The cycle of life continues ~ Love your haiku too (my red are in full bloom now ~

    Liked by 1 person

    • One time I was keeping watch with an old man who was actively dying. His daughter was at the hospital next door with her daughter who was in labor. Both events happened at about the same time. Truly the circle of life.


  12. jillys2016 says:

    The woven nest of our world and those we love and the pruning of the roses are perfect metaphors. Really beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thank you, Sue. I suspect that fragility contributes/underlies beauty.


  14. kanzensakura says:

    Lovely Victoria. Yes, seasons do change. But in the midst of dead rose heads, there is life – I hope those eggs crack open while you are watching. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. the haiku is truly lovely and is a true glorious haiku.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Sue says:

    Oh, well written, Victoria…the Haiku encapsulates the sadness you are feeling at present, as the world, and summer, continue regardless

    Liked by 1 person

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