Goodbye, Copernicus–dVerse Poets Pub

Snow in Greene Township, Jay County, Indiana

Image via Wikipedia

Goodbye, Copernicus

According to astronomers
the world is round but
when we lived in Indiana
the cornfields behind our place
spread out as far
as anyone could see.
In winter, snow piled high
so that our chimney
stood alone on the horizon—
a tombstone marking the
demise of heliocentricity.

Posted for Open Link Night at dVerse Poet’s Pub: Stop by and belly up to the bar. Enjoy a brew, some wonderful poetry, great company. Maybe you’ll want to serve up a round of your own poetry!

Goodbye Copernicus–Poetry Potluck

My submission for Monday’s Jingle’s Poetry Potluck:

Goodbye, Copernicus

According to astronomers
the world is round but
when we lived in Indiana
the cornfields behind our place
spread out as far
as anyone could see.
In winter, snow piled high
so that our chimney
stood alone on the horizon—
a tombstone marking the
demise of heliocentricity.