Staying in Touch–Monday Meanderings

Recently I saw a news report about a woman in Sparks, NV who, for her 39th birthday, had decided to do 39 random acts of kindness by way of celebration. She did things like paying for someone’s dinner at a restaurant, bringing treats to work and other such thoughtful considerations. She was an inspiration.



In anticipation of an up-coming landmark birthday of my own, I thought about doing something similar, but I realized that, in view of the number of birthdays I will be celebrating I am likely to falter—both because of the financial impact and the amount of time it takes to plan and execute this goal. I didn’t want to set myself up to fail.

The other day, it dawned upon me that I am lousy about keeping in touch with people I love, with whom I shared important moments in life. I make time to blog and to write, but find myself in too much of a hurry to stop what I’m doing and write a note, send an e-mail or, better yet, pick up the phone and talk. So today I started my campaign to contact …a LOT of people I’ve let slip into the archives of my memory.

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During the first call I made this morning, to a cousin, I learned that she is facing an amputation of her foot and that her husband, a Forest Service Fire Fighter, is furlonged from his job because of the budget stalemate here in the US. (I’m almost afraid make more contacts, now.) From her I learned that another cousin has retired and moved to Hawai’i. Maybe that’s one I should make in person!

As I’ve accrued so many wonderful friends on our blogging communities, I’ve lost track of so many persons who I’ve known for a lifetime. I’m choosing not to grovel in guilt, but rather to change that reality, to stay in touch!

On another note, I will be without Internet much of next week, so I won’t be hanging around the blogosphere. I’ll look forward to “connecting” with you again, in a few days. Have a happy, productive week. Maybe you’ll want to join me in reaching out to someone who is just waiting to hear from you!

Photo: npr

Photo: npr