A Petition to a Not-So-Long-Lost-Friend

As I sat and pondered the prompt for this week’s dVerse Poetics, absolutely nothing came to me. My care-giving responsibilities seem to have alienated my muse who I have neglected for want of time. And so, without her help, I crafted this rather pathetic poetic request:

Image: thegipsiewonderer.com

Image: thegipsiewonderer.com

A Petition to a Not-So-Long-Lost Friend

I didn’t notice when you left.
You stole away one night.
My spirit, now is so bereft
without your gentle light.

I’ve sought within, without, above,
below—just all around.
No words you left for me, my love—
no feelings, thoughts or sounds.

My days are full. Yes, blessed are they.
But still I miss you, too.
If you’ll return to me, and stay,
I’ll make more time for you.

My fickle muse, come back to me.
Inspire my words once more.
I’ll listen closely, you will see—
write poetry galore.

The doors to the Pub open at 3:00 PM EDT–please join in with your own poem and enjoy the work of others. The prompt is to write a poetic letter to whomever, whatever you choose.