On a Night Like This

Photo: publicphoto.org

Photo: publicphoto.org

On a Night Like This

55 Words

On a night when the full

moon slices through cloud

cover, gilds maple leaves—

On a night when the breath

of wind whispers empty

promises, feigns delight, deceives—

On that night we stand in dark-

ness, waiting to dispel the chill

that came between us.

On a night like that, Sun

dawdles, lingers to the East.

Linked to dVerse Open Link Night–a delayed response to Sam’s prompt last Thursday for a 55 word poem. The extreme cold is nonfiction (-4 degrees F early morning) but the scenario is fiction. The pub opens in about 45 minutes. (12:00 PM EST) Come on in and warm up…or if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, chill out! Poetry and community abounds.