of flying walruses, but not politicians–unfortunately

Photo: focusingonwildlife.com

Photo: focusingonwildlife.com

think outside the box is the new battle cry
think outside the box asks walruses to fly
think outside the box is a wonderful thing
think outside the box is like shadow boxing
think outside the box is like nobody else
think outside the box is drawing from the well
think outside the box is a work of art
think outside the box will set you apart
think outside the box is the key to success
think outside the box is how to impress

Think outside the box... it's where the best i...

Think outside the box… it’s where the best ideas live. (Photo credit: ArtJonak)

Over at dVerse Form for All, Sam Peralta is asking us to write Googlisms–something I’d never heard of prior to this. I reread the rules after I’d written my poem and, yes, I cheated a bit, or took a few poetic liberties, but was happy to find a phrase that offered enough choices that rhymed …with a minor adaptation or two wherein lies the cheating.  The meter could use some tweaking, but…  Check out this fun website: http://googlism.com  

Here are the rules–have at it:

It will be List Poetry, but specifically “Googlisms”

1. Think of a seed phrase (for example “The bird flies”)
2. Go to http://www.googlism.com
3. Type in your phrase and press “Googlism!”
4. Note the list of phrases (googlisms) that result
5. While you may keep the entire list exactly as your list poem, you should do some editing/sculpting of the poem
a. You may use as many or as few of the phrases in your list poem,
b. You may alter the order of the phrases 
c. You may add or subtract punctuation, or change letter case to upper/lower case
d. However, do not alter the actual word sequence in any specific phrase
6. If you would like more than one stanza, think of another seed phrase for the next stanza and repeat steps 2-5 until you are happy.

Gotta love that walrus!