poetry lurks outside my window–dVerse Open Link Night


poetry lurks outside my window

chickadees surprise
tree branches alive with dance
then only stillness

outside my window
leaves don foliage for death
so many unknowns

leaves—gold crimson bright
each one a work of beauty
too many ignored

cupped, catching the rain
curled leaf-maws hold pure water
life-source for our thirst

what seems like dying
leaves fallen to earth in heaps
promises rising

bare branches reach out
offer their fruit to wax wings
satin loveliness

Photo: David Slotto

Photo: David Slotto Cedar Wax Wing

This is the day we get to play with poetry, any form, any topic, for dVerse Open Link Night, and I hope to see you there.

Autumn has crept in. This morning 37 degrees and windy and I had to cut short my walk, letting my North Dakota-born husband finish the route with the dogs. By the end of the week, it’s supposed to be up in the 80’s again. That’s how it is in Northern Nevada.