
Cherry tree

Cherry tree (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you’ve stopped by to read Five Sentence Fiction, it’s the previous post.


Two frenzied robins caught
within the web of netting
wrapped ‘round our cherry tree,

brushing branches with weary wings.
(Blushing fruit extended invitations
too tempting to ignore.)

We watch a moment, worry.
Have we woven unintended consequences?
Why, we wonder, did they choose this tree

and not the one we left for them—
for nourishment of nature’s gifts
bestowing beauty in our yard?

A gentle lifting of the fringe
frees flight once more.
The pair alights upon the other branch and feasts.

I’m not sure I’ve accomplished the correct form for the Triversen prompt posted by the very gifted Gay Reiser Cannon at dVerse Critique and Craft, but I am grateful that I’ve written something new as my poetic muse has been “trapped” these last few weeks. Thank you, Gay, for the wonderful, instructive prompt. I hope many of you will stop by the Pub to enjoy some poetry and, perhaps, contribute something of your own.