Summer Heat



early morning sunshine dances
a minuet, chasing shadow
among branches of the ash.
we sip coffee and bliss,
listen to earth awakening
finch sings at the feeder while
from her perch above us mama
dove coos patiently, teaches us
to wait for something


Photo: Wikipedia Commons


summertime living on a lazy river
or lolling by the lake
water laps the shore, breezes inspire
poets who listen to moss-covered boulders
telling stories of ages gone by
the gentle rocking of a rowboat
white paint curling on its hull
lulls agitated spirits
while sun warms the weary

Photo Credit: Bare

Photo Credit: Bare


we walk along the river
above the overpass a ghost lingers
its gray shadow caressing the smooth
cheek of gold-splashed hills
a pedestrian crosses over
while cars rush overhead
waves breaking
on asphalt sand
a bashful red rose
refuses to open
because the tree is watching.

Photo Credit: C\

Photo Credit: C\


we celebrate with vibrant colors
stormy gray clouds then
fireworks falling
from the darkening sky
like rain

Photo Credit:

Photo Credit:


a lone butterfly
flutters in the fading light
disappears into the dusk
a male oriole
lies lifeless
flaming sunset pauses.

Photo Credit:

Photo Credit:

Linked to dVerse Open Link Night where poets join to share their work. Join us! Happy 4th of July! It’s hot here, 104 degrees F. at 10:50 AM!

Song of Songs–a Sestina for dVerse

Photo: David Slotto

Song of Songs
a Sestina

All the world’s a stage set to music.
You stroke my life like strings of Your guitar.
We’re born to fly so Your touch of gentleness
sounds a chord in my core that thrills.
Round and round You lead me in a dance—
the whirling rhythm swirls in my heart.

Rejoice, oh world; you hold grief in your heart.
Defy those who claim silence lacks all music.
Refute the clowns who refuse to dance—
Who, though called to joy, strum a dirge on their guitars.
Avoid the fool who rejects life’s thrill,
who sinks into the void with gentleness.

At dawn, mockingbird chants a song of gentleness
awakens the earth, enlivens her heart.
You stir in my Spirit-womb, Your Presence thrills.
Your promised love resounds of music,
Your hands play me as You would play Your guitar.
Our beings entwine and we enter the dance.

The earth and stars conspire to join the dance.
Ocean waves lick the sands with gentleness,
winds pluck the strings of willow tree guitars
while rain plants seeds in Earth—the Mother’s heart.
By day, the sun sings bliss—at night moon-music
plays arpeggios You designed to thrill.

I hear the door You open with a thrill,
arise to greet Your entry with a dance,
breath in the air You fill with sounds of music,
surrender to the call of gentleness,
responding to the rhythm of Your heart—
the wild beat of a classical guitar.

Submit my soul to music, the stroke of Your guitar,
Your voice, Your gentleness, never fail to thrill.
I yield to the tempo of your dance, lay down my heart.

Thanks to Gay (Hollyheir) and Matt Quinn who posted this challenging prompt over at dVerse’s Form for All.  I hope to see many joining us at the Pub.