Sunrise, Sunset–dVerse Poetics

Photo: Victoria Slotto

Sunrise, Sunset

We stand on our deck, face north,
watch Sun rise in the east,
casting shadows on the west
flank of our garden.

This early we don’t need shade,
but shadows from our trees,
ash, maple and cherry,
practice for evening hours

when we shall yearn for shelter.
Before he sets, Sun flings
his fiery rays toward us.
Tomatoes bask in warmth,

begin to form fruit around
their fragile yellow blossoms.
Magenta lobes of the eggplant
dangle like pendulous breasts.

For our part, we unwind. Sun,
breaks through leafy branches,
casts rays through sweating glasses
of tawny chardonnay or ruddy merlot.

In the embracing shade of her boughs
I turn toward you. We watch as
Sun sighs, pulls a blanket of clouds
around his shoulders and hurls
himself over the horizon.

Photo: Victoria Slotto

Please join us at dVerse Poetics, where Lillian has us considering SHADE. And don’t forget the Haibun prompt, WABI-SABI, is open all week.