Sunday 160–“Halloween”

Sunday 160 in which you post prose or a poem consisting of exactly 160 characters. See for yourself and join the fun:


Monsters troll
the ‘hood.
Winds howl, leaves crunch,
Hubby lurks on the porch,
cigar, red wine, a mask
(Albert Einstein)
watches sports
on a laptop.
I’m warm, inside.

13 thoughts on “Sunday 160–“Halloween”

  1. jennifer says:

    ha! i am married to einstein as well! *real, not masked* he was giving out alllll of our candy but I think it was on purpose, so he could watch the sports on the inside tv!
    love your pictures!


  2. moondustwriter says:

    He’s having fun – I know

    thanks for the visit and encouragement
    loved your acrostic as well

    Moon hugs


  3. Monkey Man says:

    Sounds like he’s making the best of the situation to me. Great 160. Thanks for playing.


  4. Bimbimbie says:

    haha that’s a wonderful mental image of Einstein *!*

    …thanks for telling me about John Reid, I’ll have to look his work up.


  5. Alice Audrey says:

    Did he volunteer for that? We just open the door all night.


    • Well, it’s all about the number of kids we get (over 200 some years) and our two dogs who go crazy with the doorbell and would escape if we left the door open. So I’m the dogsitter. He’s getting a little weary. It gets really cold here and as we age…


  6. Joanny says:


    This made me laugh out loud, vivid apt description of the modern day Halloween. Hubby on the porch was truly unique piece of writing.

    With an economy of words you created a wonderful 160, treat.



  7. brian says:

    ha. bet he gives the visitors quite the spook…have a wonderful halloween


  8. Bodhirose says:

    That’s so clever! I think I’d like to give that “160” a try sometime. xoxo


  9. Jingle says:

    vivid Halloween scene.
    lovely done.


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