Spring Muse


Spring Muse
in response to the July Challenge offered by Blaga at http://brokensparkles.wordpress.com/  for which we are asked to showcase our favorites for each season of the year.

This QUOTE by Canadian author Margaret Atwood reminds me that one of the joys of Spring reentering the world of gardening—close to the Earth Mother we watch new life emerge in an array of color.

In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. ~Margaret Atwood

Out of so many POEMS inspired by Spring, I chose this one by Katherine Mansfield because of her descriptions and personifications.

Very Early Spring
by Katherine Mansfield

The fields are snowbound no longer;
There are little blue lakes and flags of tenderest green.
The snow has been caught up into the sky–
So many white clouds–and the blue of the sky is cold.
Now the sun walks in the forest,
He touches the bows and stems with his golden fingers;
They shiver, and wake from slumber.
Over the barren branches he shakes his yellow curls.
Yet is the forest full of the sound of tears….
A wind dances over the fields.
Shrill and clear the sound of her waking laughter,
Yet the little blue lakes tremble
And the flags of tenderest green bend and quiver.

My husband and I love to watch classic MOVIES. Singing in the Rain, featuring the song and dance of Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds is one of our favorites. To me, the WORD rebirth sums up the spirit of the season. These two favorites joined to inspire this haiku.

Singing in the Rain
celebrate rebirth with joy
song dance love stories.

I turn to nature to find my favorite SONG and it is that of birds: mockingbirds, tanagers, mourning doves, all varieties of song birds. Another haiku:

Mockingbird rejoice
sun’s gentle rays awaken
greet morning with song.

I can’t resist an opportunity to promote my upcoming BOOK, Winter is Past, that celebrates hope and joy that follows a season of loss.

Chilling winter winds
give way to hope and new life
when Winter is Past.

There are so many ANIMALS that return from warmer climates, that waken after a winter hibernation, or give birth to their young during spring. Out of these, I have chosen the lamb. One year I was making an eight-day silent retreat in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, in a monastery planted in the heart of farm country. This is what happened:

On rolling hillsides
pregnant ewes give birth to lambs
dabs of white on green.

I’ve lived in many places and each TOWN, or city or rural area has their own beauty during Spring. I could write about Paris’ enchantment, Richmond’s (Virginia) azaleas, Washington D.C.’s cherry blossoms, Michigan’s tulips or Reno’s fickle spring that, some years, lasts only a few days. What I’ve come to realize is that my favorite place to be in spring is wherever I happen to be.

Stay in the moment
spring offers beauty to you
wherever you are.

In my tradition, spring is the season in which we celebrate Easter…a feast of rebirth, new life, resurrection. After the deprivation of Lent, the penitential season the helps one to prepare for this day, everyone looks forward to their favorite FOODS. For many, that’s candy.

Celebrate Easter
choc’late eggs and jelly beans
savoring sweetness.

One of my greatest joys is to see FLOWERS begin to blossom or break through the frozen soil. Among my favorite are tulips in all their many colors.

Break out of hiding
in an array of color
paint our world in joy

How can anyone summarize spring in a single IMAGE?

Feast for our senses
Sun returns to warm spirits
invites us outdoors.

18 thoughts on “Spring Muse

  1. […] our minds and strength. Into the light of Spring blossoms were dancing to the tune of change. Feast for our senses, the sun has returned. Desires in flowers duet, we celebrated youth with free […]


  2. Cherlyn says:

    Gotta love haikus, they really say a lot without having to say anything at all. Beautiful indeed! I love your answers, very insightful, and you really explained them well 🙂 Great post!


  3. dragonkatet says:

    These were beautiful images and I loved the haikus! The thought that stuck with me after reading this is that you are SO right about Spring being wonderful, no matter where you are. 🙂 Thanks for the visit to my blog and thanks for sharing this lovely collection with the rest of us.


  4. Bodhirose says:

    A wonderful collection of choices beautifully described through haiku, Victoria. I enjoyed reading your very comprehensive posting on spring.

    Happy 4th of July, Victoria!


  5. jgavinallan says:

    Challenge? Not for me. I enjoy watching the development of the poem. Your post is a novel in so many little stanzas.
    I love this stuff (spoken as a true wide-eyed fan)


  6. Jingle says:

    rich thoughts.
    well done.


  7. When I had read this challege from – Blaga on hhtp://brokensparkles.wordpress.com – it seemed like a daunting task. Your “Spring Muse” is so fantastic and makes it seem like it is so easy.

    I feel like I need to pass on it, this time, but perhaps will find more courage for the next one to come. You are an inspiration.

    Izzy xoxo


    • Thanks, Izzy. If it looked easy, that’s miraculous. I found it quite challenging…perhaps because I’m not too good at pop culture, not good at all, and some of the things like songs and movies were hard for me to figure out. I hope my Monday Morning prompt will be easier for you. Now I’ve got to figure that one out! Happy 4th!


  8. Jamie Dedes says:

    What a fabulous collection of Haiku this turned out to be. Lovely and original. I love the Atwood quote and I haven’t thought of Katherine Mansfield in years. Singing in the rain is one of my faves too. Who could ever forget the song and dance scenes in this film. They are iconic.

    Wonderful post.

    Happy Fourth of July, Victoria. Blessings ….


  9. Sharmishtha says:

    loved the way you said your choices through haikus. fabulous haikus.


  10. Sharmishtha says:

    wordpress is really driving me crazy. hope you got my other comment too.


  11. Sharmishtha says:

    What a post. you said your words in a bunch of gorgeous haikus. that sure is something for me. loved the poem you added in the beginning too. thats how spring must be in cold countries.


  12. How very nice you made this post! I like the poem by Katherine Mansfield, it’s the first time I read it, thanks for sharing! Amazing how you offered a haiku for each part of the challenge and the most that I enjoyed was

    Stay in the moment
    spring offers beauty to you
    wherever you are.

    Absolutely true, there is a special beauty about Spring! Good luck with your up coming novel, share details where can we find it when it’s on the market!

    Thank you very much for linking with the challenge Victoria! Happy day!


  13. siggiofmaine says:

    I loved reading all your memories of spring…
    it seemed like a simple thing when I read the idea…
    and I still like it,
    but find that I’m going to have to live vicariously thru wonderful people
    like you unless the brain unsprains ! Am not giving up…just can’t think
    of things for some of the catagories.

    I’m beginning to think I should have worked less and lived more !

    Thank you for your inspiring post.
    ☮ ♥. Siggi in Downeast Maine


  14. fast for sure Victoria.. Love this post a lot..

    Somoene is Special


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