Wordsmith Wednesday–Cultivating Inspiration

Photo: David Slotto/Mt. Whitney

Originally posted May 2010.

Today I’m facing a similar situation as I prepare to leave town to attend a funeral of my cousin who died yesterday. Hope you don’t mind the repost but I’m banking on the fact that not many have read this before.

(Written after a visit to Palm Desert.)

The drive home and challenges of unpacking have prevented writing and blogging time over the last few days. However, that doesn’t mean that demands of life have the right to completely stifle the creative process. Tuning into silence, probing the Within, heightening sensory perception–all of these contribute to enrich sensory description, theme, symbolism and plot. It’s good to be home but the return to normalcy is still a ways off. In the meantime, I’ll grab a minute here, jot some notes there. And when my writing routine begins to re-emerge, I’ll have a wealth of material to turn to. Successful writing depends on cultivating awareness.

For discussion: how do you deal with writing interruptions? Does it affect your sense of well-being?

This photo is part of the inspiring view we see driving between Reno and Palm Desert (Highway 395) taken in January 2011

17 thoughts on “Wordsmith Wednesday–Cultivating Inspiration

  1. dragonkatet says:

    I’m sorry that you’re having to deal with such a difficult situation. If there is/was anything I could do, I would gladly help. I imagine it will probably be hard to stay focused in the midst of such sadness, but I’m sending you some good mojo and hoping you’ll be able to find a smile again soon. *hugs*

    As for writing interruptions, sometimes they completely knock me off-track, and other times I can get right back to whatever I was working on. Yes, they affect my sense of well-being, because it can be frustrating trying to get “back” to the ‘head-space’ where I was before when I was writing whatever it was, if that makes sense. I think any kind of art is like this. If you come back to it later, you are in a different ‘place’ mentally (and possibly emotionally) than you were before – sometimes you can get it back and sometimes you can’t.


  2. Jamie Dedes says:

    Wise words and now I know way you will be off-line. I’m sorry to hear about your loss, someone with whom you were close for so many years of your lives. My prayer: that she went peacefully and that your heart is well.



  3. Bodhirose says:

    Taking a break or being interrupted from writing doesn’t usually affect my well being. If I do take a break though, I usually can’t wait to get back to it. I seem to write in spurts of energy. I get inspired and write a few things and then–nothing. I sometimes go digging around for a prompt to trigger my creativity and happily something will just pop into my head.

    I also try to take notes if an idea comes to me and I’m not yet ready to write–otherwise I will surely forget.


    • I could have written this…that’s exactly my experience. And I will be taking a break for a week by necessity starting tomorrow. I wonder if I’ll have blogging withdrawal symptoms.


      • Bodhirose says:

        Nah, you won’t have withdrawal–you’ll probably just be excited to get back to it though.

        I look forward to hearing from you when you return, Victoria.

        I wish you well…


  4. I am sorry.. God bless you and give strength to you..

    Someone is Special


  5. Kathy says:

    I love reading your posts about staying inspired to write — and this one about using non-writing time creatively is excellent. My problem is that I always let other things take precedence over writing time — I keep telling myself, ‘oneday’, but that day never seems to arrive. It’s a pleasure to read from someone who has gained success in this area.


  6. Well, insensitivity reigns. I read the post about inspiration and skipped the part about why you were leaving town. I am SO sorry you lost your cousin. Please forgive my odd “this was a fun post” part earlier. I mean, it was a good exercise, but good Lord, I am a pastor’s wife and I really feel stupid now… it’ll be OK… Love, Amy


  7. timkeen40 says:

    I am sorry for the loss of your cousin, first of all.

    I have found that inspiration comes from the strangest places, at least for me. Sometimes, a break is all I need, no matter where it comes from.

    I hope you and your family are well.



  8. There are times when Lex comes home and finds me deep in thought. He is very considerate not only of my manic depression but of my inspiration. The tipoff is usually when I am hunched over a pad and am clutching the left side of my (very short) hair with my left hand. When I’m done, I look like half a Flock of Seagulls, ha ha.

    This was a fun post, because it got us thinking. Thanks for that, Laurie. Amy


  9. jgavinallan says:

    A break is good…rest and deal with the present situation

    God Bless you and your cousin…



  10. souldipper says:

    I hope you are comforted, Victoria, from the supply you carry from deep within.

    Taking a writing break had two-fold power. It refreshes me and gives readers a break! 🙂


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