Wordsmith Wednesday–Snooping

People talking at Wikimania 2009 welcome dinner.

Image via Wikipedia

In previous posts, I’ve discussed the art of snooping as a source of inspiration, an adjunct to help you write effective dialogue and a source for story lines.

Yesterday while browsing poetry for dVerse Open Link Night, I came across a poem by Ravenblack that illustrates the effectiveness of listening in on conversations–whether in waiting rooms, restaurants, coffee shops–any place where people go to get together and chat.

Do you have places that you like to go where conversation and ideas abound? Have you written any short stories or poems that were inspired as a result of listening to conversations in public places?

If so, go ahead and post your story or poem on your blog, access Mr. Linky and share the link to your work with us here:

I was unable to contact Ravenblack to include her poem in this post but here is the link: http://theotherdayplace.blogspot.com/2011/10/coffee-thats-what-i-need.html

I am still unable to comment on most blogger accounts so look for my comments on your work in the comments in this post. Thanks, all.

8 thoughts on “Wordsmith Wednesday–Snooping

  1. vivinfrance says:

    I tried 3 times to comment on Ravenblack’s excellent summation of dinner party society, but the page kept disappearing.

    I get a similar effect, mainly due to increasing deafness, so I miss an awful lot: perhaps an advantage to my affliction! For that reason, I don’t have an eavesdropping poem or story!


  2. Hello Victoria,

    I have a past post that fits this category so well. This is my flash fiction version of a story that was told to me by a dear, dear friend. She did give me permission to use her experience to write it. She wanted her pain to be felt. She knows I write from the heart. She was pleased with the results.
    Hope you are, too.



  3. […] piece was written for Wordsmith Wednesday – Snooping  . Victoria essentially asked, “Have you written any short stories or poems that were […]


  4. Ravenblack says:

    Thanks for linking to me, Victoria and for the comments. This is a nice surprise. I might have missed it if it wasn’t for Jamie leaving that comment that she came by via your link here. (Thanks Jamie!)

    I think Blogger’s been acting strange for a few people lately. If it’s comments not being posted, it’s double or triple postings.


  5. Jamie Dedes says:

    Nice point … and Ravenblack’s poem was a fine example. It was well done. Thanks for the tip.


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