Faith–dVerse Poets: Meeting the Bar

Ice Iris

Image via Wikipedia


I am of earth,
slow moldering like leaves beneath the ash,
pungent scents evoking

You touch the sky,
extend your arms,
embracing visions of tomorrow
and of days thereafter.

And all the while,
I bear my age in bones
that ache when north winds
touch our land,
when hoar frost settles
crisp on wilted buds

The cricket closed up shop
last night,
withdrew her song,
succumbed to sleep.

Today, you skip with joy
in poppied fields.

I grieve a babe gone missing now too many days,
and little ones who’ll never know
delights of childlike innocence.

I read of Abelard
of death he witnessed—
a tiny rabbit trapped and freed
but then to perish in his arms.
And of the doubt that followed thence:
Is there a God and has
God tasted pain?

Holding the world’s sorrow,
I watch you dance, I wait for hope..

I attempted this poem in response to Emmett Wheatfall’s prompt today an dVerse Poets’ Pub for Meeting the Bar. Emmett introduces us to a new-to-me concept using the term CONFLATION. Visit the pub and learn all about it at  Thank you, Emmett.

33 thoughts on “Faith–dVerse Poets: Meeting the Bar

  1. I agree with everyone ese – it’s a very beautiful, moving poem and a brilliant use of the prompt.


  2. “Is there a God and has
    God tasted pain?”

    Is there more to say? This poem has great strength in imagery and in emotion. Thank you for sharing it.



  3. Mama Zen says:

    Exquisite, delicate write. I truly enjoyed it.


  4. Nick Rolynd says:

    Oh, wow. This is awesome. I think “I bear my age in bones” is my favorite line. You really nailed the prompt, too. Great poem!


  5. vivinfrance says:

    NOW I’m beginning to understand the prompt. You’ve fulfilled it perfectly.


  6. hedgewitch says:

    Yes, I so relate–I freed a guinea fowl from my little terrier’s jaws a week or so ago—not a mark on it, but within seconds it just died, life too harrowing, too terrifying for it, it’s little eye losing focus, its feathers so amazingly beautiful from that mysterious paintbrush of creation, so soft. Faith is a difficult thing for me to understand in the world we inhabit. Excellent job on the prompt, and on creating living images to populate it.


    • That is so painful. Made me think of a poem I wrote last year when a quail died, flying into our window. You look at them, and the beauty of each breaks your heart. And such is life. My terrier got a mallard a few years ago and just put his paw on it and looked at us like “What am I supposed to do now.” We freed it and she just flew away.


  7. Magnificent poem – I adore it.


  8. Very deep. I love the natural imagery you’ve used here and how it relates to the emotions expressed.


  9. Phil says:

    I love the seemingly diverse personalities, one a zealous and forward looking soul, full of possibility; the other a pensively somber guardian of all past and perished, and the way you neatly tie one to the other with your last verse.

    I would say you took the prompt and ran with it so skillfully. Well done Victoria! I truly enjoy your writing – so nice reading you.


  10. Uma says:

    Nice ..loved you have written the effects of pain.

    “I bear my age in bones
    that ache when north winds
    touch our land,”…the lines were so much in meaning 🙂


  11. kaykuala says:

    The loss of a baby girl can be hauntingly real. When it does happen we can only lament, dried of tears.Excellent verse!



  12. The contrast of winter imagery with the lost child and the loss of innocence is simply stunning.
    And the last two lines are so poignant. Does the God who designed winter feel it’s chill too?
    So beautiful!


  13. siggiofmaine says:

    Very nice…and instructive too. Am having a problem with the form of the poem for myself …hoping I will have a light bulb moment…
    Yours is delightful…and painful with your well chosen words.

    Siggi in Downeast Maine


  14. claudia says:

    oh wow victoria this was really nicely woven…you had me with the first line..i am of earth..dang! what an intro – and from there you’re touching different places which lead to the final question..and oh he has..


  15. Laurie Kolp says:

    Victoria- I think you’ve nailed the prompt on the head… this is stunning!


  16. Ruth says:

    A beautiful, tender write even though it touches on dark topics… and I love the way in the end all the seemingly separate parts come together in the reader’s mind.


  17. Margaret says:

    You didn’t pick just two…

    Wow, so many images here, I think I want to go and have a good cry!


  18. zongrik says:

    i had a tiny bunny rabbit perish in my arms once, and this reminded me of that.


    • I read about this just this morning in a meditation on joy. It seems ironic, but the point the author was trying to make was related to duality…we cannot recognize joy without sorrow, just as doubt highlights faith. The thought of this little bunny led me to consideration of the baby missing in Kansas City, then abused children..the vulnerability of creation. I think as poets we bear within ourselves the pain and sorrow of the world.


  19. Heaven says:

    I like the contrast of emotions.. of death versus skipping with joy…and your ending verses, ending with a question is powerful ~


  20. dragonkatet says:

    This was stunning, V! Such well thought out imagery and powerful lines. Maybe it’s just the picture you put with it, but the whole thing reminds me of winter. I suppose Faith goes through winter(s) too…anyway, I truly enjoyed this. I had to read it twice I liked it so well! 🙂


  21. Mary says:

    i have my wonderings to, Victoria. I wonder about God and if He(she) has tasted pain. I wonder about the babe you write about…who would harm such a young innocent person. I do fear that this beloved child will never be found. A life lost way too early and for no reason.It makes me wonder too, where is God in this pictuee?


  22. souldipper says:

    I’m so enamored with the fact that we share an appreciation for the life of Abelard. What love he knew. Perhaps I need to also add, what Love he knew.


  23. manicddaily says:

    This is a wonderful poem, Victoria. Very subtle but also very powerful. Shown not told. I have to say I particularly like the lines about aging in the bones, but then (thankfully) I most identify with that. The poppied fields so lovely too.



  24. I read this earlier and left again but felt it’s depth hitting home with me.
    The little baby girl lost is dreadful, and the truth will likely never be known if she remains lost or, God forbid, is found somewhere like the little girl Caylee.
    God is good, man has all the problems.
    Your prose is deep and moving on many levels.


  25. Yes!!! You did it in the best way I’ve read yet. Multiple small vinettes in one poem. Yet, you maintained a nice symmetry. Bravo, bravo! Whistle, hooting loudly. Thank you for honoring me with this fabulous write.


  26. shanyns says:

    This is such a great poem, strong images and words and such a moving question to close.


  27. tashtoo says:

    IMHO…I think you have more than merely attempted! This is wonderful! The contrast amongst the verses, phrases that shouldn`t fit…yet do so beautifully. I think this is masterful! (and she`s hangs her head a little bit lower) Wish I wrote this one!


  28. hobgoblin2011 says:

    Victoria, what a wonderful job with the prompt- I adore the middle stanzas, so ripe with image. Great job, thanks for the read


  29. brian miller says:

    nice…oh how those doubts can come in the face of pain so great….stand in a war zone or hold a kid whose dad sexually abused him every night…yes those questions come but still he is there…


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