Time for a Time Out

Photo: Sparky, David Slotto

My dear blogging buddies, Meet Sparky. He knows how to relax.(I don’t.) However, this blogging break is not about relaxing, it is about catching up, and mirgrating, like the birds,  back home to Reno. Besides, my publisher is anxious for me to complete the re-write of my next novel and I’m anxious about trying to spend some time marketing my first one, Winter is Past.

So, I’m planning a 2-3 week hiatus from my blog, but will continue when I have the chance to read posts on dVerse and, hopefully, to write some new poems myself.

This beautiful desert retreat used to be my escape for writing but, as we’ve made more friends and as I’ve begun to try golfing, it’s been busy. Some days, I understand Emily Dickinson’s need to close herself in her room and dedicate her life to her creative muse.

Last week, Dani, of Haiku Love Songs, featured me and my poetry on her ambitious project for the month of April, in which she interviewed and featured poems of poetry bloggers, using the alphabet. I’m honored she chose me for “V.” (I didn’t have much competition :0>) Here’s the link. I encourage you to take time to browse her well-thought out blog and to meet some other poets and enjoy Dani’s work, as well.

Happy May to all of you, my poet friends

Wild flowers in a disturbed ground: Coleosteph...

23 thoughts on “Time for a Time Out

  1. ayala says:

    Enjoy your break Victoria. xo


  2. zongrik says:

    i wish when you were in Mojave you had called me. I was in Mojave about three times last week. i don’t live there, but i have a house there. if you write me an email, i can give you my phone number for next time.


  3. Enjoy your break…may you come back refreshed and inspired to write.


  4. ManicDdaily says:

    Just love to stop by and look at this dog! My dog used to always sleep on her back like that – often with her legs straight up in the air, like a little curly Frankenstein. We still have her – but she’s about 17 – so I think she feels if she slept like that, it might just be the last straw. Thanks for your kind comment. k.


  5. Peggy Strack says:

    Enjoy your break. It sounds heavenly. This is my first visit to your blog. Very nice!


  6. ed pilolla says:

    enjoy yourself and your break.


  7. Have fun on your break! Hope you come back feeling re-charged and happy and other such wonderful things.

    And we all should be more like dogs. Think they’ve figured out this life thing.


  8. chris says:

    Enjoy your break; although it isn’t about relaxing, do take Sparky’s lead and flip yourself upside down on the couch now and then. A little relaxing goes a long way. 🙂 I hope you’ll find pleasure in carrying through all the plans you have for this month. Off to read your interview on Dani’s blog now…


  9. Enjoy your time out Victoria! Good luck with all of your plans! May you come back with new poems to amaze us and only good news to share! Hugs!


  10. Victoria, this doesn’t sound like much of a break (except from blogging). I wish you loads of success and some measure of joy on all your writing and promotion endeavors. And I hope you leave time for a bit of relaxation like dogs can show us how to do. 🙂


  11. becca givens says:

    Enjoy your well deserved break ~~ look forward to your return …
    I feel rather weather-worn myself!!! 😀


  12. Mary says:

    Enjoy that break, Victoria. Good for you for realizing its necessity,


  13. fivereflections says:

    yes your dog does know how to relax!!!
    David in Maine USA


  14. jmgoyder says:

    Wishing you well, Victoria!


  15. souldipper says:

    Very wise, Victoria. I’ve had a small sabbatical, but not long enough. It may be an idea to take a break regularly lest we begin to think we are Blog Gods. We need airing! Imagine you having to go and think on your next book. That’s incredibly good news.


  16. Ravenblack says:

    Have a good break, Victoria. 🙂


  17. whimsygizmo says:

    Happy Respite, Victoria. I’m a little jealous. Lake Tahoe is one of my favorite places on the planet, and you’re about to be really close. 😉 We’re there in July (we’re in Vegas the rest of the year.) Wishing you good rest, relaxation, and some good words that come good and easy. 🙂
    De Jackson


  18. vivinfrance says:

    I sympaathise entirely. Napowrimo has just about drained all the poetry out of me, so I do see why you need a rest. Enjoy, and come back refreshed.


  19. claudia says:

    enjoy the blogging break victoria..sometimes i wish there was a pause button in life..but as there is none, we need to whisk ourselves away every once and awhile to get some quiet time…so enjoy…smiles..and on my way to read the interview…


  20. Oh my – I am back and, now, you will be gone. I feel like we’ve begun to be two ships in the night. No matter, I will look forward to your new book. I have read “Winter is Past” and keep saying I need to write a review. BUT – like you have said, where does the time go??? It’s why I took a cruise – no internet, no housecleanig, no meal preparation , no interruptions on my relaxing and reviving spiritual time. I hope you enjoy all the fun things you plan to do and I will catch you when you land. Good health – Good times – Good love –
    Namaste …
    Izzy xoxoxo


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