
Photo Credit: Michał Nowosielsk (Copyrighted, used with permission)

I pause
to watch
a drop
of dew

to witness
the demise
of cosmic

await the
brilliant sparkle

of its color
a heart-
just before
it dis-

A sense
of sadness
this sacred

How can it be
that so much

Linked to dVerse Poets’ Pub Open Link Night where poets from all over the globe gather to drink in friendship and revel in one another’s creative work. Join us–offer up a poem of your own on any theme. The doors swing open at 1500 EST!

55 thoughts on “De-mise

  1. dani says:

    this is beautiful, Victoria!


  2. brian miller says:

    happy thanksgiving victoria…i hope you have a great holiday…smiles.


  3. Jamie Dedes says:

    Just popping by again to wish you a “Happy Thanksgiving.” 🙂


  4. Green Speck says:

    It’s sad when pure beauty goes unnoticed !!!


  5. Bodhirose says:

    There’s something very fulfilling about taking notice of these tiny things going on in our world…are they less significant than anything else? I think not.


  6. David King says:

    I wonder just how much does go truly unnoticed — and I wonder how much difference it would make to the world if it could all be gathered up and distributed to those most in need?


  7. brian miller says:

    thank you victoria….smiles.


  8. That was a nice reminder! And I wonder if I am able to make a poem out of your first sentence, which goes in iambe:

    “I pause to watch a drop of dew
    evaporate, to witness …”



  9. ManicDdaily says:

    Lovely – but thankfully you do notice it and bring it to readers’ attention! Thanks. The shape/short lines work so well here too. k.


  10. beautiful…and love the question you ended with.


  11. Jamie Dedes says:

    Ah, not entirely unnotices as the poet proves with this poem. Well done … and great job with d’Verse. I popped over and read your last challenge. Quite wonderful.


  12. rmp says:

    breathtaking moment. you truly make me feel as though I’m there watching with you. oh, and a wonderful question to ponder at the end. Sometimes it seems that is so much harder to see the beauty than it is to see the ugly.


  13. hypercryptical says:

    Beautiful composition of beauty itself. Love the little gems in our world that often do go unnoticed.

    Anna :o]


  14. beckykilsby says:

    Oh your formatting works a treat here, Victoria…. nicely elongated moments..


  15. Thank you all for your comments. I’m traveling so am far behind in commenting. I’ll do the best I can to catch up soon.


  16. the three syllable break at the end of three stanzas mirrors your contemplative sense so well it just leaves a smile on my face 😉

    and the nuances i rolled around in mind, from those breaks, involving ears and eating and ice were quite the surprise pleasure, thanks so much victoria 😉


  17. Myrna says:

    So nice and so true. We overlook so much beauty which is ofen contained in little things.


  18. tigerbrite says:

    So beautiful. Stand still and wonder at nature.


  19. Beth Winter says:

    Ah, it sounds as though you captured my mornings. Beautiful


  20. David Chamberlain Jr. says:

    Brilliant and very touching, sadly true.


  21. These sentiments are so true and are expressed here with a beautiful intensity and economy of language. Great job.


  22. Poet Laundry says:

    Lovely. A beautiful capture.


  23. Lovable this is.. pure delight to read this

    Ta Tarun

    The Moon witnesses


  24. shanyns says:

    So much beauty is missed in our rush to be going or doing, instead we should be enjoying it by just being. Nicely crafted.


  25. becca givens says:

    This is absolutely wonderful … thank you for sharing with us!!!!


  26. Christi Moon says:

    wonderful poetic reminder to slow down and take in the simply beauty that surrounds us. nicely done!


  27. Because we are desensitised by the secular society we live in ,burdened with too much junk culture . Life is a speed track. We race through it to the end without seeing much.
    It is sad. All these diurnal wonderful spiritual moments are lost to us. Very sad indeed. Beautiful poem Victoria.


  28. markwindham says:

    excellent, love the marvel of the mundane, the infinite beauty of the infinitesimal


  29. Chaty Lorens says:

    This is beautiful and deceptively simple. The words flow right down the space of the page—depicting that sacred moment. I love the economy here. And I suppose I was after that in my own poem tonight, but mine just felt so unshaven by comparison.


  30. Timoteo says:

    I say that about myself all the time!


  31. ihatepoetry says:

    It’s only unnoticed until you see it – then, you can’t stop seeing it. Beautiful, indeed.


  32. Besides being very beautiful, I love the line work, their length, the word breaks, the cadence it creates, like the path of a droplet. Very kool. I’ve been trying to share it on Twitter but it keeps rejecting my password for some reason. I’ll get it figured out. I think a lot of people would enjoy this.


  33. Intresting question you’ve asked. I’ve often asked myself the same question. The form and word play make this poem and excellent read.


  34. Victoria, this is true, it is beautiful. It is a call for mindfulness. Your form, letting the words dribble down the column, only added to the luster. Really one of your best. Amy

    Wisconsin Mud


  35. Thank you for the beautiful reminder to be open to life and pay attention. I like how the poem itself streams down the page.


  36. Sabio Lantz says:

    Funny, I would see it as beauty — transformation. I never thought of it as loss. I am not usually fond of short-line poems that you have to scroll for, but it worked for this theme.


  37. kelly says:

    this made me smile, i spend my days wondering the very same thing… and noticing… 🙂


  38. Your beautiful verse reminded me of Mary Oliver…keeping minds on what matters…which is our work of standing still and learning to be astonished…thanks


  39. We are usually all too busy trying to keep up in the rat race, we forget the reason we are here and, it’s small but constant miracles.
    Beautiful thoughts.


  40. janehewey says:

    you do an amazing job of noticing and penning, Victoria. this is precious and bright.


  41. Susan says:

    God trying to delight, and you looked and did not forget. Thanky you.


  42. ayala says:

    I wonder the same thing…we are so busy we forget to take the time.


  43. yelena says:

    every moment of nature’s beauty is perfect, love the way of your expression Victoria~


  44. Tino says:

    “I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain” CCR. Me and Tinkerbell love to watch the rain, so I really sense the delicacy of what you have done here, simplistic beauty!


  45. I often wonder the same thing myself… Beautiful through and through! I hope that you will consider sharing an offering for this year’s 4th annual gratitude word quilt. You can find information about the project and how to participate at the top of my blog.


  46. claudia says:

    oh heck yes… how can so much beauty go unnoticed…isn’t it awesome how lavishly nature is in even the smallest things…always makes me stand in awe..


  47. kaykuala says:

    It just isn’t fair! Sometimes in a fleeting moment our hour of honor and pride just disappears. We try hard to achieve or to please someone dear but disappointment rears its ugly head.. Very thoughtful write Victoria!



  48. vivinfrance says:

    A lovely thought, a drawn out perfect moment. It reminds me of writing “small stones” which I haven’t done for a while, and which I should, to savour these special things.


  49. I like how, in drawing out “unnoticed” you get “un – not – iced”. That’s pretty cool.


  50. Mary says:

    Profound question really….I wonder too why so much beauty goes unnoticed. I guess we all have to do something about that and begin to keep our hearts open and notice. An important write here!


  51. jmgoyder says:

    I love the way you’ve structured this.


  52. siggiofmaine says:

    I love this ! I have stopped to take so many photos of dew drops, rain drops and sometimes I get asked: “Don’t you have enough photos like that ?” Never.
    The photo and your words seem like they were born to be together.


  53. brian miller says:

    nice…how can it go unnoticed…we get busy, we forget…i could think of a hundred reasons but none good enough to truly be an answer you know…but reminders like this to look are def good…smiles…


  54. Just gorgeous…puzzles me to how we miss such beauty!


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