Choice–dVerse Poetics, Twitter Poetry

Photo: David Slotto This is a path in our neighborhood  that leads to the Truckee River.

Photo: David Slotto
This is a path in our neighborhood that leads to the Truckee River.

A new path invites
Does it lead to meadow or abyss?
Fear surrounds me.
If I follow will I be free?
If I don’t enter is beauty lost forever?

Linked to dVerse Form for All where Sam Peralta invites us to write a poem using exactly 140 characters, including punctuation and spaces. I edited an old one on Twitter, to be exact. Join us if you will.

32 thoughts on “Choice–dVerse Poetics, Twitter Poetry

  1. Abhra Pal says:

    Hi Victoria, reached here – reading some old posts from dverse. Nice ambiguity built for a new journey! i am at this juncture myself often.


  2. Jamie Dedes says:

    Ha! Clever. I will have to play with this. 🙂


  3. Well, you proved to me that something of value can be said in 140 characters or less. But I’m still not getting a Twitter account!


  4. Faith, Hope tenderly and poignantly expressed!


  5. sreeja says:

    some lines …to be remembered always…….


  6. marousia says:

    Fantastic questions!


  7. Snakypoet (Rosemary Nissen-Wade) says:



  8. vb holmes says:

    Every moment of every day presents a new path, familiar or never-before-experienced, and it’s not always the new ones that trigger the fear. You’ve said this beautifully–and in 140 characters to boot.


  9. nico says:

    Great poem–we’d all love to have the foresight to see the end of the path before setting foot to it, but we just have to take our chances. Fine work here!


  10. I suppose I have become less fearful of new paths than of following the same, well-worn ones. Some say, take the path less traveled. I say, forge a new one. Beautiful sentiment here, Victoria! ~peace, Jason


  11. Anything is better than abyss.. ‘Trust me’ been there done that.. don’t anyone ever to go there too..maybe they do but I hope not. Sorry for all the personal sounding comments I just don’t do fiction…can’t do it never been able to.


  12. Ruth says:

    Indeed… and I feel that fear, echo those questions…


  13. Victoria, it depends how you feel about it after letting go of fear~ nice work with 140 char.


  14. kelvin s.m. says:

    …fear is just everywhere no matter what are choices are… it what gives life an added thrill… this is very pensive Victoria… i loved it… smiles…


  15. Very well thought.. a road less taken perhaps? and the contrast between the meadow and the abyss. Lot of meaning in 140 characters


  16. Well done, in portraying what is, for many people, the conundrum of choosing where their lives will lead. One thing I didn’t talk about in more depth, and perhaps should have, was the way that the 140-character stricture forces the writer to edit mercilessly, so that only the essentials remain.


  17. bostonpoetry says:

    So much said in this verse! It really packs a punch. First, I thought for sure this river would be in Florida, it reminded me of Suwanee a bit, but I was way off. The last line really made this for me… If I don’t enter is beauty lost forever? A tough question that really can only be answered by entering.


  18. howanxious says:

    different paths, a decision to be taken… it is such a hard stage.
    true words..


  19. Laurie Kolp says:

    a leap of faith, my dear… no fear


  20. Oh, I know this feeling. What matters is to choose, act. Enjoyed.


  21. Oh the dilemma…sometimes you just have to take a chance! 🙂


  22. zongrik says:

    LOL love the follow pun in there!!

    a tweet of a poem


  23. Truedessa says:

    I really enjoyed this paths can be interesting..who knows where it will lead.


  24. Oops, went 9 characters over, so fixed it before putting it on Twitter.


  25. When paths create a Y,
    & we ponder on which to take,
    we always take the right one
    for that moment, 4 we have walked
    both beyond memory &


  26. aprille says:

    Yes, a choice from simple to life-determinate.
    A little gem.


  27. Niiice. You certainly know how to pack a 140-character punch!


  28. claudia says:

    it’s always such a thing with those paths…we can’t see where they end…and sometimes it needs a lot of courage to walk them..but if we don’t we may miss the wonderful things they have to offer…


  29. janehewey says:

    so natural. nice job with the newest form of the decade. The questions are epic-inducing.


  30. brian miller says:

    there is a cost either way
    lost opportunity
    or reduced risk, then again
    can we avoid all risk
    and is that really living.


  31. Rowan Taw says:

    This path seems like a great metaphor for the journey of life!


  32. Liking this alot.

    The last lines are brilliant. Questions we all must face at some stage.


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