Fights of Fancy–dVerse Meeting the Bar

I can’t believe I actually came up with something in response to Gay’s prompt for dVerse Meeting the Bar! She asks that we create our own form. I can’t decide a name for it–maybe you can, but here’s the recipe:

  • Open the poem by stating an indisputable fact–perhaps based in science, as I have, and then let your imagination take over and see where it takes you.
  • Each stanza should have only two lines, each beginning with the word “and…” Think of a child who has discovered some new to her wonder and comes running, breathless, telling you all about it. It should have a tone of excitement.
  • The final line should reflect back on your opening statement.

I have no idea where this came from, but here is my example:




Flights of Fancy

The world is round—


and when I set sail,

I’ll ride the Ferris wheel waves;


and dance with dolphin

in deep blue-green and silver froth;


and follow hummingbirds

as they fly to jungle climes;


and borne upon wind’s breath

touch nebulae above the clouds;


and then set foot upon the land from whence I came

and find that, though unchanged nothing remains the same


in this round world.


And this is my poem for Day 10 of National Poetry Month.

17 thoughts on “Fights of Fancy–dVerse Meeting the Bar

  1. This is gorgeous. A new form and easy to follow and perhaps, do.


  2. kelvin s.m. says:

    I like it, Victoria. really like it. The notion to start every couplet with ‘and’ was really quite effective & doesn’t halt the excitement & emotion developed as the read started. Truly enjoyed! smiles.


  3. Love the form and the message.


  4. Jamie Dedes says:

    A well-rounded poem, Victoria. (I’m not being facetious.) I like the idea of a child running to you in excitement. A good exercise of Gay’s.


  5. rmp says:

    I really like this form. It has a very simple, clean and easy to follow structure. There is circular feel to this piece by bringing back around to the first statement, along with the content of this poem. Using circle in some way for a name or thinking of something that is circular….maybe even something that incorporates the idea that it starts with a fact. Lots of ways you can go with the naming of this form.

    while they’re all lovely stanzas, “and borne upon wind’s breath / touch nebulae above the clouds” was my favorite.


  6. lynndiane says:

    This is simply wonder-FULL, Victoria!


  7. I like this a lot.. I almost see it as starting with list-poetry and then tie it all together and put in a total picture-


  8. MarinaSofia says:

    I really like this form: a perfect marriage of form and ideas, with that child-like enthusiasm and curiosity…
    Victoria is a very imaginative poet…
    And I may well try one myself.


  9. alan1704 says:

    This works and i like that ‘and’ it reminds me of my mother who would carry on an argument for hours, ever now and then she would pipe up and say. “And another thing….” Great times.


  10. Snakypoet (Rosemary Nissen-Wade) says:

    I love it, and will love to try it some time soon. Hope you find a name! (How about “Factand”?)


  11. Bryan Ens says:

    This certainly has a child-like excitement to it, but with more maturity
    …AND I like it very much. 🙂


  12. kamana says:

    love how this came full circle


  13. Wow! This works well on lots of levels – the structure of your example takes us through time and space and is enhanced with energy and wonder. I like this and want to try it. Very clever and imaginative, our Victoria! It’s also clear and understandable. I like and appreciate that!


  14. I like this Victoria, very well done and I got the sense of the journey within the poem.


  15. Mary says:

    Love how you traveled from your indisputable fact through flights of fantasy…and beyond! Nice.


  16. brian miller says:

    ha. i rather like the magic of this…of seeing the world a bit through their daring imagination…and how ferris wheel in the second stanza plays off the round….sounds adventurous to me….


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