When Winter Comes Early–dVerse OLN

Image: pixdaus.com

Image: pixdaus.com

when winter comes early
a trimeric

the day after the storm, white
paint splashes on mother earth,
leftover leaves, ankle-deep, clutter the yard.
i curl up beneath a downy quilt to read.

paint splashes on mother earth,
white and gold and orange, even green,
left over from the late autumn freeze.

leftover leaves, ankle-deep, clutter the yard,
soggy, no crunch beneath my footfall,
covering sagging shrubs and roses.

i curl up beneath a downy quilt to read,
to cull the warmth of words. ideas
swirl inside me, as another snowfall approaches.

Written and linked to dVerse Open Link Night where you are invited to share any sort of poem you like. I blended a few previous prompts: mine from Tuesday on weather, Mary’s on the trimeric form and  Bjorn’s on enjambment. Please stop by and enjoy the company and work of your fellow poets.

26 thoughts on “When Winter Comes Early–dVerse OLN

  1. Sean Michael says:

    Last stanza sounds really cozy. My grandmother makes quilts and I grew up curling up under one she made just for me. This poem invoked great memories for me.


  2. 5h2o says:

    Just lovely!


  3. Kate Mia says:

    Art of open forest roads
    lined by trees of
    nature’s details
    moving on as
    open future
    just a path
    no destination
    reAlly but going
    on and on now..
    as free and open..
    there is a now where
    i can not feel of any of
    this truth and light of Nature
    experience but the primitive
    excellence of innate IQ lives
    as me again.. on the open road of Living
    free and will enough for fortune’s Love breeze..:)


  4. Excellent trimeric. I love this form and you have used it well. I especially love the warmth of that last stanza.


  5. vbholmes says:

    Very successful blending of forms and development of mood–I, like others, am looking forward to the comfort of the quilt and the book (but not so much the snow–our last two winters took the romance out of the white stuff).


  6. Bryan Ens says:

    “to cull the warmth of words” – absolutely LOVE that line! Interesting how printed words can have that affect…(or sometimes the complete opposite). Wonderful trimeric


  7. Raivenne says:

    Oh I just want a cup of hot cocoa and a warm throw over my shoulders after reading this. Beautifully done.


  8. Oh this sounds so inviting!


  9. kaykuala h says:

    i curl up beneath a downy quilt to read,
    to cull the warmth of words. ideas
    swirl inside me,

    Ideas will sprout out when one is relaxed. Very true Victoria!



  10. So peaceful and just down right gorgeous, Victoria


  11. Abhra says:

    I love those paint splashes on mother earth Victoria…wonderfully done.


  12. wolfsrosebud says:

    This was a nice read. Loved the blending of the seasons and themes.


  13. MarinaSofia says:

    What a great idea for a combination – it works perfectly. And makes me really want to crawl under a duvet and read this foggy, very autumnal day.


  14. A wonderful evocation of autumnal experience.


  15. kanzensakura says:

    Trimeric! A most wonderful trimeric! Cold is moving in again…tonight. Probably will be 73F Turkey Day though. I want the cool to come and stay so I can rush outside and then go back inside where it is warm and snuggle and read. Or just dream or watch it snow. Oh how this made me long for winter.


  16. After The walk with leaves covered under a blanket of snow it’s really the right moment to curl up with a good book to read… Wonderful.


  17. Suzanne says:

    I like the feeling of settling in a long winter hibernation that you have captured here.


  18. narcissus101 says:

    your title “When Winter Comes Early” forced me to read it, it’s such an amazing title, and then the poem you wrote catches a really good idea..


  19. thotpurge says:

    This is a great form… what perfect weather to be reading under the downy quilt!!


  20. Just re-read this. Very beautifully written Victoria! I’m not a fan of winter but the picture you painted in my mind took me back to more youthful days of winterfall.


  21. What a fascinating combination of ideas. There is such beauty in the form and the words.


  22. Grace says:

    I feel like curling up right now beneath the downy quilt to read ~ Love the form and the ending part is my favorite part 🙂


  23. Bodhirose says:

    I need to try that form again…it was a fun one. I can see how the snow would make the fallen leaves all soggy…no longer crisp and crunchy, and your downy quilt sounds so cozy. You did a great job of melding all those forms together, Victoria.


  24. Mary says:

    It made me smile when I visited to find that you used the trimeric form. I think it really works so well when you want to develop a theme. Curling up beneath a downy quilt sounds like a perfect way to spend the day after a storm!


  25. Glenn Buttkus says:

    A veritable trifecta of tantalizing forms that keyhole the moment we all teeter on the brink of autumn falling into the ice behemoth of winter, mantled in frozen Ermin & stabbing ice cycles into our hearts. I could see the trio of forms as I encountered them, but what a delectable morphing you have given them.


  26. Sanaa Rizvi says:

    This is absolutely stunning! The images bring this poem to life 😀


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