A Visit–dVerse Monday Quadrille

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A Visit
a Quadrille

I find him on the porch,
frame stooped, cobbled by years
of loss and melancholic memories.

Eyes dimmed, he turns within—
hears the music of birdsong,
inhales the scent of lavender,

tastes the sweetness of this moment
when friends stop by,
and hug him.

Linked to dVerse Quadrille Monday where De asks us for a poem of exactly 44 words, excluding title. The word of the week is COBBLE or any of its forms. Join us and have fun.

25 thoughts on “A Visit–dVerse Monday Quadrille

  1. Bernadette says:

    The image and the poem are a perfect compliment to each other.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a lovely poem, Victoria.


  3. Hi Victoria, my computer deleted your comment while I was answering it. Now is shows a ‘like’ from myself!
    Anyway, thank you. I love mysteries.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lona Gynt says:

    I think we all need to go make a visit to someone we know. Visitors also taste the sweetness. So lovely.


  5. Charley says:

    I feel the turn at “he turns within,” as though it’s not just his eyes that have dimmed. He hears the birdsong within. For a reader with a familiarity of aging — either through family, or professionally — there’s more here than meets the words.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Janice says:

    A beautiful poem.


  7. annell4 says:

    A sweet visit.


  8. What makes this poem even more beautiful is the contrast between the opening stanza, and the ending. Bittersweet chocolate.


  9. I can so understand this… years do change a person, but a sweet moment like this is a true beam of light. Maybe you will even hear the birdsong better.


  10. sanaarizvi says:

     ‘cobbled by years’ is such a beautiful and poignant phrase! 💜


  11. kim881 says:

    I love the way your quadrille pivots on the middle stanza, Victoria, to show the change from a
    ‘frame stooped, cobbled by years
    of loss and melancholic memories’
    to the turning within. How wonderful to have your memories awakened by the music of birdsong, the scent of lavender, and a friend’s hug!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. lynn__ says:

    Precious moments…a compassionate write, Victoria!


  13. Frank Hubeny says:

    Nice description: “cobbled by years
    of loss and melancholic memories”


  14. jillys2016 says:

    Ooo! Nice use of the word cobbled!


  15. Jo says:

    This is so lovely — ‘cobbled by years’ is a lovely phrase!


  16. rothpoetry says:

    Sad to see our elderly decline and get cobbled by the years of wear and tear! Great poem Victoria.


  17. Grace says:

    I too love your use of cobbled by years Victoria ~ How sweet that people take the time to stop by and hug him ~


  18. It sounds like someone I know. Thank you


  19. Vivian Zems says:

    This is so poignant….probably how I’ll be in my old age.


  20. a moment captured in beautiful poetry


  21. What a poignant write. Beautiful Victoria.


  22. kanzensakura says:

    Oh Victoria. This is so wonderful. “cobbled by years”. I am glad friends come to visit and that he isn’t alone.


  23. whimsygizmo says:

    What a sweet moment, Victoria. I LOVE “cobbled by years” — aren’t we all?


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