Savor–dVerse Quadrille

Photo: David Slotto

Photo: David Slotto, Personal Chef to the Poet!

a Quadrille

Alluring aroma
draws me in where
husband-chef stirs,
sauce simmer-shimmers,
and I succumb,
an evening of delight
beyond a meal
shared in candlelight.

The challenges of life
boil down
to this: sauce—
spices and flavors
of give and take,
of you and I.

Here’s a second quadrille for my prompt at dVerse. A quadrille is a poem of exactly 44 words. The word that I’ve asked for is shimmer. Last week when David was cooking and asked me to stir the sauce I had him take a photo. It was so pretty. I can’t help but wonder if, subconsciously, this led me to choose the word shimmer. Please check out some of the other shimmering poems this prompt has inspired. The prompt is open all week if you would like to join us.

Monday Morning Writing Prompt–Comfort Food

soup party (13/365)

Image by sleepyneko via Flickr

Autumn is a time of the year that seems to scream: “Write about me!” And there is so much to inspire: the beauty of the changing leaves, the melancholy sense of loss that accompanies the waning of warm weather, the smells, the holidays… And FOOD. The onset of cold weather, the conclusion of the summer harvest and the availability of various winter crops bring out soup chefs, bakers, stew-brewers and the rest of us who just enjoy the fruits of their labors.

For today’s prompt, you may be encouraged to write about a favorite comfort food, its harvest, preparation, its scent–whatever comes to mind. Feel free to write poetry, essay or fiction. Or maybe you would like to share a recipe. Have at it and enjoy the process. I’ve got to go get a snack now.

To participate:
Write your piece and post on your blog.
Access Mr. Linky on this post. share your name and copy the URL for your post.
Take some time to read other submission.

I haven’t gone out to recruit more participants in this prompt…perhaps you will invite someone to join us?