a taste of earth–dVerse Open Link Night

River Bokeh

Image by Mrs Magic via Flickr

a taste of earth

before time
in the realm of golden crow
and swan
sun and pearl moon conjoined
begetting earth.

from distant mountain heights
a goddess and her sisters watched
and saw that it was very, very good.

thus to the land they leapt
drawn by sweet smell of soil
drawn into earth’s desire

within her hands Au Co,
the youngest of the brood,
cradled damp pungent clay
held it against her cheek
then tasted.

and so weighed down
by sand (or guilt)
no longer fit for flight
she wept upon the loam
held back now from her home
heaven of pure form

she cried her tears of loss
earth-bound goddess now

those tears became the rivers
flowing to the seas
spreading floral beauty to the shores
gracing oceans deep with her sweet water.

then from the depths emerged
a dragon prince who sought
this source of pure abundance
and thus it is that we are born
part dragon of the shadowy deep
part goddess of the mountain peak.

Based on the Vietnamese myth of the goddess Au Co.

Linked to dVerse Poets’ Pub Open Link Night at http://dversepoets.com/  Come on and belly up to the bar, have a shot and enjoy some inspiring poetry.