The Coming–dVerse Open Link Night

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Sheathed in elegance, you capture
a ruptured moment in another sphere
that hurls raptures of color, spews garnet

red, arrays of blue and purple.
They warn of Parousia.
This saintly Sabbath eve you steal

a glimpse of future promise.
You merge as one into the universal consciousness.
Orgasmic nebulae enfold you in ecstasy.

Randomly chosen words: Elegance, Parousia, Steal, Merge, Enfold, Garnet, Ruptured, Saintly, Sabbath, Nebula. In escatology, the word Parousia refers to the end-time. 

I couldn’t resist posting another random word poem (Mad Lib) as suggested by Brian Miller last Saturday’s Poetics. dVerse Poets’ Pub will open its doors tomorrow at 3:00 PM EST when poets from all over the world will post a poem of their own choosing. Hope to see you there!