First Freeze

Photo credit: Check out her beautiful work!

Leaf’s curl sparks fear in my sylph’s heart.
Soon the plant will succumb to a cloak of frost.

Lavender’s sweet balm exudes last tastes of remembrance.
Ice shards spew death, stumble into the sprite’s craggy shelter.

In the distance, Thor practices his drumming
while overhead, clouds skip across lofty sea-skies.

Inside, wrapped in warm hues, a poet
spawns autumnal moods by the light of a dwindling flame.

If you listen with care you will hear leaf’s surrender
as it kisses earth. Sylph sighs.

I’m happy to join in for dVerse Open Link Night. This is a poem written using the advice I offered in my previous post…based on words selected at random from a dictionary. It always amazes me how the subconscious mind chooses words that seem to lend themselves to a theme. Or perhaps it is the theme that influences word choices.

Please stroll on over to dVerse and join the crowd for wonderful friendship and inspiring poetry. And it would be good if you would add one of your own. If your muse is on a leave of absence, as mine has been, take the risk: grab your dictionary and have at it!

36 thoughts on “First Freeze

  1. Jamie Dedes says:

    Enjoyed again. Happy days to you, Victoria.


  2. dragonkatet says:

    You captured this moment perfectly (as usual). 🙂 Love the line “In the distance, Thor practices his drumming”.


  3. beckykilsby says:

    Wonderfully atmospheric writing, Victoria. You pull some interesting references to your service in evoking temperature, weather and the associated sensualities as seasons change.


  4. Very cool Myth/Fairy Tale inspired piece. Really enjoy the way you combined the images to create a really nice metaphor. Great choice for a photo too, reminds me of midsummer’s night dream somewhat.


  5. leahJlynn says:

    darkness and loveliness wrapped up in poem. creative


  6. A lovely poem, Victoria– so evocative and I think the exercise is invaluable in breaking people out of trite imagery– I especially love:

    Ice shards spew death, stumble into the sprite’s craggy shelter.



  7. nephiriel says:

    very beautiful. just what i needed to read.


  8. Jamie Dedes says:

    A fun exercise. A lovely seemingly primal poem.


  9. Green Speck says:

    Loved the poem … soothing and relaxing 🙂


  10. Absolutely lovely, Victoria…… Autumn is always so beautiful and leaves are so colorful. I would never had guessed you interjected words at random……


  11. dani says:

    amazing that you wrote this poem based on random words from the dictionary, Victoria. it is definitely a cohesive piece with a magical quality to it. especially love ~
    “Inside, wrapped in warm hues, a poet”


  12. Mohana says:

    Beautiful poem…


  13. Patti says:

    This is so lovely, Victoria. I love this bit: “Inside, wrapped in warm hues, a poet / spawns autumnal moods by the light of a dwindling flame.” I wish I could hold on to your dictionary method, but alas, the brain is a sieve. And therein lies my conundrum, I think.


  14. Kim Nelson says:

    I love the last two lines, a ribbon tied tightly ’round a package of autumnal joy and writer’s reverie.


  15. the subconscious mind… i have often wondered where some words come from..suddenly they’re there like from out of nowhere… this poem breathes atmosphere from every pore…love it victoria…and so looking forward to meeting you soon..


  16. To hear a leaf’s surrender. Such a line, Such skill.


  17. kaykuala says:

    This is beautiful. It’s a clever way to get going on a poem. When one finds the prompts at hand may not be easy it would be fun to adopt this method. Nicely Victoria!



  18. Ahhh…this is just lovely Victoria. Loved the pictures painted, and the mythological references. Nicely penned!


  19. Shawn says:

    There is beauty in every life, even in the end. I can smell the frost approaching.


  20. ManicDdaily says:

    Super pretty poem, Victoria, and lovely cadence. Sounds like you are busy! k.


  21. Beautiful texture and feel to your lovely poem! K


  22. Hard to believe you did this from a random selection of words. It’s really beautiful.


  23. ayala says:

    Beautiful share, Victoria….. hearing the leafs surrender….great!


  24. Such delicious diction, a marvelous combination that had me hooked and savoring every word. Gorgeous!


  25. markwindham says:

    very nice, Victoria. Love this: ‘a poet
    spawns autumnal moods’

    Failing to Dream


  26. Laurie Kolp says:

    Amazing!! Love all the sights, sounds, textures… great ending.


  27. You have a way of ending a poem that makes it linger in my mind.
    “If you listen with care you will hear leaf’s surrender
    as it kisses earth. Sylph sighs.”

    My goodness, you are talented! 🙂


  28. I am so glad Thor doesn’t practice his drumming too, too much here. 🙂
    A lovely, dreamy, warm read.


  29. tigerbrite says:

    Lovely poem for the onset of winter and the falling leaves. I wonder where the Sylph goes in winter or whether they are in another dimension where the cold does not harm them. Your muse seems to have returned refreshed from its holiday:)


  30. brian miller says:

    dang, nice…hearing the leafs surrender…now you have to be completely in tune and still to hear that…what cool intimacy though with nature and life…love the play with Thor as well victoria….and great to see you writing as well…gorgeous piece…


  31. vivinfrance says:

    You’ve set an atmosphere which took me straight to your forest, away from my room and the gloomy day.. A lovely story poem.


  32. Susan says:

    I enjoyed the characters at play here: leaf, narrator/sylph, Thor. Also love the contrast between the protected and warmed poet vs the chilled and frosted beings in the poetry. “Sylph sighs” is a lovely phrase and ending.


  33. Oh, Victoria. This is gorgeous! I love these:

    “Leaf’s curl sparks fear in my sylph’s heart”
    “Inside, wrapped in warm hues, a poet” … I like that the poet is inside herself, warm.
    “you will hear leaf’s surrender”
    “Sylph sighs”

    Beautiful sound/rhyme throughout. You are a gifted poet.


  34. siggiofmaine says:

    This is exciting…random words in a wonderful poem.

    I haven’t been up to date on dVerse or anything because of working…tonite was my last nite til I work 3 days in November….so hope to be able to read more of your poems.


  35. rebecca2000 says:

    You did a great job. 🙂


  36. shafiqah1 says:

    Reblogged this on shafiqah1 and commented:
    Nice mix of nature and Norse myth 🙂


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