Poem–Exodus 3:4

It’s been a while since I’ve responded to Robert Lee Brewer’s weekly poetry prompt, in fact, it’s been a while since I’ve written a poem. So here’s my attempt for yesterday’s in which he invited his followers to write a “Whatever…” poem. If you are a poet, I strongly recommend his blog, part of the Writer’s Digest site. You can access through my blog roll.

I have not edited this poem–I welcome your critique, suggestions, feedback.

Exodus 3:4

Whatever happened on the way to life?
Waiting to finish this or that until
the moment that was then, is now, is gone.

Look closely at your world:
the way the light shines through
the beveled glass,

breaks into prisms and colors
the morning quiet, livens the dew
hidden inside a trembling leaf.

Taste the burst of sweetness
when you bite into a summer plum
or sip the nectar of a lingering kiss.

Listen to the music of your child’s
first word, touch her skin and revel
in the silky texture of her hair.

The scent of rain on steamy earth,
the call of crickets or the mournful murmur
of the dove, do not ignore them.

Your senses call and you respond,
like Moses,“Here I am.”
Uncover the presence of the divine.

43 thoughts on “Poem–Exodus 3:4

  1. Jingle says:

    visit poets back if you can..
    hope that you enjoyed week 27…

    Sunday News Flash Plus Awards

    Rally week 28 will be on September 9,
    welcome then

    awards for you,
    check out other stuff there. it is an old post, u may already saw it, but in case you did not know, welcome to explore…


    • Hi, Ji, I’m doing my best to “return visits” and enjoying it. Because I’m in the process of revising my second novel and preparing it for submission, I did the first 18 on Friday and then will do a few a day. I learned a few new things re: blogging today so should be able to post awards and send you links now! See, you can teach an old dog new tricks!


  2. Dakshima says:

    see me on http://loveamongotherthings.wordpress.com/


  3. 700miles says:

    yes…seize the day! really nice. thank you.


  4. C. says:

    Very well written.. I sense a winner possibly 🙂

    I also agree with what siubhan said. The last line being ‘Here I am’ would be the perfect ending to this.


  5. siubhan says:

    Hi Victoria, nice to come across your work. I really liked the opening of this piece; there’s definitely something in the wording of that first verse that reminds me of my Catholic upbringing, and in a good way 🙂 and it is mirrored nicely with the allusion to Moses at the end. I kind of wish, though, that the order of the last 3 lines were switched up so that the “Here I am” were the last words in the piece. It’s such a powerful, powerful line.


  6. Artswebshow says:

    nice poem.
    The three liners could be viewed as individual haiku


  7. oinky says:

    grab the moment! dont let it go 🙂


  8. Beutiful, I had to go back and read it a further 3 times. Thank you


  9. poignant words expressed beautifully through verse 🙂

    my entry for the rally is The Butterfly Lover 🙂


  10. enreal says:

    you express yourself beautfuly. the images you paint with your words are vivid. very nice!


  11. I love this poem, and I especially like your verb choices: breaks into prisms and livens the dew. Not many people use this form of enliven and it is a wonderful form – perfect for dew.

    Not being a bible reader, I totally lost the allusion to Moses; I found it distracted me from the poem, wondering suddenly about the poet rather than the message of the words. Looks like I’d better do some studying up!


  12. Jessica Graf says:

    very nice!


  13. Morganna says:

    Lovely words. Welcome to Thursday Poetry Rally. I’m glad you enjoyed my blog, I enjoyed yours.


  14. Anky0112 says:

    Wow…. what a beautiful poem… loved it..
    have a gr8 week…
    viva la vida 🙂


  15. Dabir Dalton says:

    Lovely poem reminds of how from time to time I’d notice that my son was growing up when he was little…


  16. 83October says:

    This is a beautiful poem. I have nothing else to say. It carries you through with so much lightness and detail. It does, somehow, beg you to look into the wonderment of life.


  17. This brings me back to the importance of the moment..your poem is beautiful, grounding, and lush!


  18. Beautiful words and photo to go along with. The message is something to think about.


  19. buttercup600 says:

    Very beautiful words xx


  20. Jamie Dedes says:

    What a fine introduction to you and your work, Victoria.

    Lovely poem … can’t think of a way to improve it. Well wrought. Sincere.



  21. Jingle says:


    I already have you poem submitted in my post…

    simply TYPE this poem is for Thursday Poets Rally Week 27 is enough…

    many thanks!
    let me know if you have further questions…

    after you are done visiting, leave me a comment, u r well and in god shape.


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