Daily Haiku Challenge–I Will Never Forget

Portrait of old woman sitting by a window.

Image via Wikipedia

Submitted to SiS’s Daily Haiku Challenge: http://pendownmythought.blogspot.com/p/haiku-challenge.html  Today’s theme (February 3) is Mother.

I Will Never Forget

my aged mother
does not know what day it is
never forgets me

The title is drawn from the biblical book of Isaiah in which God’s love is described as that of a parent: “I will never forget you, my people. I have carved you in the palm of my hand. I will never forget you, I will not leave you orphaned, I will never forget my own.” (loose translation)

10 thoughts on “Daily Haiku Challenge–I Will Never Forget

  1. Amanda Moore says:

    when my mom passed she was in mid stage Alzheimer’s it hurts when a parent doesn’t remember you, I am glad yours has not forgotten you.


    • As a nurse, I’ve seen the pain that that causes, over and over. God bless you. I’ve always believed that they do know but it’s like they are prisoners in their own bodies. So sorry for you, Amanda.


  2. Jingle says:

    beautiful, mothers are honorable in endless ways.


  3. ladynimue says:

    this was touching …


  4. Someone is Special says:

    Beautiful, thoughtful, soulful Haiku, Victoria, you rock..

    Someone is Special


  5. Jade says:

    This is a very sweet, powerful poem and I also love that passage from the book of Isaiah.


  6. trisha says:

    this is heartbreaking. I hope its imagination.


  7. meethimirchi says:

    very beautiful, Every religion gives mother the highest respect. She is next to god. If we are today its because of her.. lovely written 🙂


  8. Bodhirose says:

    I’ve always thought of God’s love as a parent. I love that passage–really touches my heart.

    Beautiful haiku for the aged mother.


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