Life Plus 5–Big Tent Poetry

A prison Cell.

Image via Wikipedia

Submitted to Big Tent Poetry:

I wrote this a few years back in response to an actual article.

Reno Gazette Journal June 24, 2006
“79-year old found guilty
of killing former boyfriend.”

ATLANTA-A 79-year-old woman
accused of shooting her ex-boyfriend
because their romance had ended was
convicted of murder Friday.
Lena Driskell was sentenced
to life in prison plus five years. She
was immediately taken into custody, and
defense attorneys said she would not
be eligible for parole for 30 years.
Driskell shot 85-year-old Herman
Winslow in June 2005 at the assisted
living home where they both resided.
After she was arrested, police said she
was angry that their romance had ended
and he was seeing another woman.

Life, Plus 5

Guess that showed the sonofabitch
85-year-old womanizer you were
pissed, were serious about monogamy.

Showed the rest of us love isn’t
reserved for sleek bodies, old
age isn’t sexless or without passion
(and should be reinvented now that
I’m sixty-something).

While you’re in prison, (which isn’t
that different from an Assisted Living
Facility or a 79-year-old body),

keep in mind you don’t need to be
defined by someone. You are enough for
life plus five years.

15 thoughts on “Life Plus 5–Big Tent Poetry

  1. margo roby says:

    I’m glad you mis-read the prompt. This is great. As Laurie says, love the metaphors for prison.


  2. RJ Clarken says:

    It’s a shame she had to kill the dude, but I bet no one messes with her in prison. She’s kind of folk-hero-ish, in a way. Well written and absorbing! What a crazy story!


  3. Christopher says:

    What a good poem! Thanks for sharing it.


  4. Deb says:

    Echoing what Joseph said!


  5. Not that I want to direct it to such ends, but I hope I make it to my 70s with such passion. o_O


  6. trisha says:

    if you cant trust your 85 years old lover then….. 😦

    what a life!


  7. Bodhirose says:

    The last line says it all. But sadly, that seems to be a life lesson that is very difficult to learn. I loved the heated emotion in this!


  8. Victoria, Every poem exposes more of you. I love this one. I guess we never know who or what is coming along.:) Hope all is well.


  9. Artswebshow says:

    This is really interesting.
    I didn’t ever think about that but i guess we keep feeling right up until the end


  10. Tumblewords says:

    Powerful story and poem.


  11. souldipper says:

    And some people thing that hormones have no power after middle age? Pshaw! Loved your poem. This aging thing can be a bumpy ride! 😀


  12. Laurie Kolp says:

    Love the comparison of prison to an assisted-living facility and 79-year-old body…


  13. vivinfrance says:

    Amen to what Pamela said. Mind you, men can sometimes arouse murerous thoughts…


  14. Dick says:

    A new spin on growing old disgracefully! Well done.


  15. pamela says:

    Victoria, what were they thinking giving her that sentence or for that matter
    what was she thinking. Not about having a boyfriend at that age, but taking someone else’s life. People never cease to amaze me.


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